Susan Pasquariella

In celebration of APLIC-I 50th Anniversary, we are posting profiles of many of our retired former members.  We are also seeking current contact information for colleagues who should be appearing in this blog or attending our Chicago Conference April 24-26 2017.  Please contact Jean Sack with former member information / your profile!

Susan Pasquariella is also enjoying retirement, although she hadn’t been able to do as much travelling as she and her husband would have liked because of her mother’s health.  In 2009, Bernie still had a small private practice and that had its own demands.

She wrote the following in a 2009 email: I didn’t really pursue consulting after I left UNFPA, although I did do some work for Columbia University.  I had planned to do volunteer work at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center but several of our close friends have become ill and passed away recently and the prospect of spending even more time in a hospital is not so appealing at the moment. On a happier note, I’ve tried to keep in touch with some APLIC-I colleagues and have promised to donate my large collection of APLIC Conference Proceedings to the archives.  Bernie is pushing to deliver them to Margie and Julia in person some time during 2010 Spring.  This is really an excuse to sample the North Carolina barbeque, but it would be fun to see everyone again.  I do miss the APLIC collegiality.

In 2016, Susan has actively been sharing APLIC-I contacts with Jean Sack to pursue for updates!

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Elizabeth ‘Libby’ Evans

In celebration of APLIC-I 50th Anniversary, we are posting profiles of many of our retired former members.  We are also seeking current contact information for colleagues who should be appearing in this blog or attending our Chicago Conference April 24-26 2017.  Please contact Jean Sack with former member information / your profile!

I was working at the Carolina Population Center at UNC-Chapel Hill when I first joined APLIC. I began at CPC in November 1993 and went to my first APLIC conference that spring in Miami. Jean Sack took me under her wing although she was also quite new, and made sure I met everybody and felt thoroughly connected. To this day, years out of the population arena, I still think of that conference as an exceptional example of collegial fellowship.

APLIC reinforced my inclination to think of the future. I still think one of the best things we did during my time in APLIC was to run an internet room during at least one PAA conference (in New Orleans) so attendees could check email, get help with internet questions, etc. It seems so “old hat” now that everybody has mobile devices and can be online anywhere anytime, but in 1996, that was definitely not the case. Most people didn’t have laptops or, if they did, they didn’t carry them around at conferences. Wireless was nonexistent. We arranged for computers, hardwired connections, and staffed the room during the entire PAA conference. It was great to work with a group of people willing to take a chance, to push the envelope, and to do something innovative to meet the needs of the people we served back on our home turfs.

It’s about people.
Smart, thoughtful, sharing people.
No group is better.

How do you envisage our information field progressing into the next 50 years?  Augmented reality and virtual reality may finally have a real impact on the non-entertainment world. I envision easier ways to visualize data in 3D with the ability to interactively manipulate it. How will libraries be involved in creating, storing, analyzing, accessing 3D data sets? (And make them retrievable?) Imagine having someone ask about the impact of climate change on the population in an island country and be able to pop the person into a virtual environment where he or she can experience the changes and alter variables to see how the impact might change?

What fascinating places, jobs, life-experiences have you had in the years since you were an APLIC-I member?
When I left CPC, the two things I knew I would miss most were my staff and APLIC. I was absolutely right. But I’ve had a great time since then getting deeply involved in teaching and learning technology, first at UNC and now at Duke. My current job is to explore new and emerging technologies and how they might be applied to higher education teaching and learning, and I love it. But I still miss the people I met in APLIC. They’re the best!


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Christine Matthews

In celebration of APLIC-I 50th Anniversary, we are posting profiles of many of our retired former members.  We are also seeking current contact information for colleagues who should be appearing in this blog or attending our Chicago Conference April 24-26 2017.  Please contact Jean Sack with former member information / your profile!

Chris Matthews

I joined APLIC-I in June of 1996 as I started work as a consultant, primarily organizing collections for small nonprofits, particularly organizations working on health or gender issues in developing countries. APLIC primarily kept me in touch with librarians in the field, gave me moral support, and helped keep me up to date in information trends.

When I returned as librarian at Bread for the World, I had contacts I felt comfortable asking for help from. Workshops and luncheons kept me abreast. I usually came back from gatherings being very grateful for my relatively low demanding job, thinking “I’m so glad I’m not in their shoes! How do they manage??”

All professional contacts/associations provide invaluable support, and APLIC is good at that.

Bread for the World Institute, Volunteer archivist

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Anne Ilacqua

In celebration of APLIC-I 50th Anniversary, we are posting profiles of many of our retired former members.  We are also seeking current contact information for colleagues who should be appearing in this blog or attending our Chicago Conference April 24-26 2017.  Please contact Jean Sack with former member information / your profile!


Anne Ilacqua

When I first joined APLIC, I was hired at Brown University Demography Library for the experience I had acquired as head of a special library in a large university. I had collection development experience, but the field I was entering was new to me. Fortunately, Carol Knopf, an APLIC member, was staying with the Demography Library and she was familiar with the faculty and students and with the collection. Also, the APLIC listserv produced prompt leads and answers to questions, and lending of unique materials.

I’m glad I had the opportunity to serve as a Board Member and, also, as a Co-President in charge of planning an Annual Meeting. In so doing, I acquired additional skills, perhaps too numerous to mention. I also recruited new members, by extolling the values of belonging to APLIC. Touring others’ libraries provided a valuable opportunity to spark ideas upon returning to one’s space. I am very grateful to the Population Studies Centers Directors for including and funding and providing meeting rooms for their librarians to meet at the Annual PAA Meetings.

Meetings with APLIC members from all over the country were occasions to look forward to, for the congeniality shared by like-minded, smart, friendly professionals in a specialized field of librarianship. I feel very fortunate to have been a part of this organization and I learned a lot from colleagues’ presentations and informal conversations.

I have been retired ten years. The library was disbanded (sigh) when Pop studies got a totally renovated bldg. on campus (a big deal!). I was kept on, as Information Specialist. When I retired, a Rockefeller Library librarian was assigned to assist students and faculty at Pop. Studies Ctr. Recently, I chatted with a former colleague still working in the larger University realm. It was somewhat troubling to learn that the reference collection had been moved to the stacks and the reference area converted to comfy chairs and nooks. One can imagine students reading, but more likely laptops and phones than books! That said, I embrace the world of electronic resources, which I take advantage of, daily.

With my husband, I have traveled to many places since retiring in 2006. Most notably, we spent a month in China, where he lectured at three universities. We were resident in Wuhan for two weeks and in beautiful Zhuhai, as well. As tourists, on that trip we spent a week in Beijing and a few days in Hong Kong. We cruised the Mediterranean, out of Barcelona, and we have forthcoming trips planned. Joe and I took a Viking cruise, last Fall 2015, from Budapest to Amsterdam. Also, we have rented a boat and cruised the Shannon River with son, grandson and daughter-in-law.  In 2017 we plan to travel to Russia and Scandinavia and to the National Parks in the US.

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APLIC as a Community of Practice: How are we doing? What’s next?

Wednesday, March 30, 2016
10:45 AM-12:00 PM


Julia Cleaver, Ipas
Sarah Burns, Pathfinder
Christopher Lindahl, EngenderHealth

Communities of Practice (COPs) are groups of people who share an interest (technical or professional) and share knowledge, information and experience in their group. This session was designed to give participants a stronger sense of community with their APLIC colleagues, and to come away understanding:

  • How APLIC can be an important professional community
  • How to engage outside of conferences and
  • What tools are available to support community engagement


Click here to view a PDF of the facilitators’ handout

During this session, participants were able to identify the roles that they were most likely to play in the APLIC CoP (participant vs. lurker, both of which have value in any CoP), identify a list of potential “tech buddies” (technical moderators) for APLIC virtual gatherings, and discuss topics for future monthly virtual gatherings.  These topics included:

  • Copyright and the RightFind tool
  • Citation software
  • Systematic collection of grey literature
  • Organizing one’s workflows: KanBan Flow
  • Web conferencing tools
  • ResearchGate
  • ILL

Participants also generated other ideas:

  • An APLIC book in celebration of the organization’s 50th anniversary
  • “50 Stories” from APLIC
  • APLIC panel at 2017 Global Health Mini-University
  • APLIC flyer to disseminate at events
  • Form a consortium for subscriptions
  • Member welcomer
  • New member welcome packet


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“You did that with PowerPoint?!” Making fun and informative videos with simple, everyday tools

Tuesday, March 29, 2016
“Lightning Talk”

Speaker: Allison Long, Ipas

In this session, Allison Long demonstrated how anyone can use PowerPoint and other easy-to-use tools to create fun and informative videos for results dissemination, library services promotion, or anything else their heart desires.

Many thanks to Liz Nugent for sharing her notes, below:


Reports can often become tl;dr (too long; didn’t read)

Why use video?

  • “Video has quickly become one of the most impactful ways to speak to an audience.”
  • Research indicates that we absorb video content 60,000 times faster than if read.

Pro tips for creating great videos:

  • Keep it visual – less text, more images, use animations and transitions
  • Keep it short – 4 minutes or less
  • Make it pretty!
  • Free online tools: Piktochart, Jing (free program that allows you to cut images and make videos to insert into presentation, similar to Snippet)
  • Tools within PowerPoint: Insert/SmartArt; format painter/double click on format painter keeps format painter on; Arrange tools/selection pane, bring forward
    Transitions tab/crush/origami/page turn, etc. Pick one or two to use.
  • Make you PowerPoint presentation into movie: first record timings, then record audio, then save it as a movie.
  • View as a slide show, then record slide show (you can do one slide at a time). Insert audio (Google “royalty free music,” or use Set to “Play in background.”
    Make it into video (Fille ->Export -> make into video -> use MP4 format).  You can use Windows Movie Maker to format the video, which produces the correct size for YouTube, mobile viewing , etc.

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NIH Biosketch & Federal Public Access Policies

Wednesday, March 30, 2016
“Lightning Talk”

Speaker: Mary White, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

This session covered the NIH and other Federal Public Access Policies and their compliance requirements, including a hands-on tour of the bibliography management and compliance monitoring functions in My NCBI. The session also introduced the new NIH Biographical Sketch format requirements effective for NIH and AHRQ grant applications.



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Using Zotero for Managing Citations (and, optionally, your life)

Tuesday, March 29, 2016
“Lightning Talk”

Speaker: Elana Broch, Princeton University

“I’ve come to embrace Zotero as a great bibliographic citation manager. It’s free and works on both Macs and PCs. You can sync across machines, save PDFs of full text, and photos. Its write-and-cite capability is very user friendly.”

Elana Broch offered a demonstration of Zotero and discussed many of the features that make it a usable and worthwhile citation management program for students and information professionals.

Many thanks to Liz Nugent for sharing her notes, below:


Click here to view a PDF of Ms. Broch’s handout

Some additional key points about Zotero:

  • At Princeton and other libraries, Zotero talks to the library and databases
  • Many people are moving from EndNote to Zotero
  • It is easy to transfer data from one citation system to Zotero
  • Zotero is open source, and is free
  • See costs of institutional storage plans here
  • Users can download photos, add notes

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Libraries Can Lead: Using SharePoint 2013

Monday, March 29, 2016
“Lightning Talk”

Speaker: LiMin Fields, PAI

This short demonstration of PAI’s intranet portal included a quick tour of the PAI homepage, professional development resource page, and the shared organizational calendar.  The portal was developed to support staff internal information needs and influence organizational behavior by documenting and communicating key business processes, policies and standards.

Many thanks to Liz Nugent for sharing her notes, below:



  • PAI’s intranet is referred to as their “Portal”
  • It was deliberately kept simple in design, and the staff’s most-used items were put up first
  • PAI’s Board has their own portal
  • The Portal is used as a work tool and tracker (e.g. finance forms), includes the Smartsheet (excel-like online tool used for strategic planning, etc.), and allows resource sharing
  • It was built between January and November 2014, and was launched in December 2014
  • It is maintained in-house with occasional vendor support
  • Everything on the Portal should have value added, be up to date, and cross-organizational
  • It includes links to everything the organization needs and uses; it is meant to be a one-stop shop
  • It also includes a staff directory, bios & birthdays, staff travel information , non-work Tips/Asks, new employee page, HR handbook and policies, Admin ZenDesk, PAI jargon, Email Web access, Egnite online file share, IT ZenDesk, and an archive of PAI pubs

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Developing New Services in Science Libraries

Tuesday, March 29, 2016
2:00 PM-3:00 PM

Speaker: Alvin Hutchinson, Smithsonian Libraries

Developing new services is key to the survival of science libraries in the future. Because much of the scientific literature is available directly to scientists online rather than going through the librarian as a broker, it will be additional services provided by librarians that define the library’s utility. Alvin Hutchinson will describe the life cycle of new service development and highlight several new services that are taking place in research libraries today.

Many thanks to Liz Nugent for sharing her notes, below:

Self-service in libraries most pronounced in science libraries, but the Internet provides opportunity for librarians to develop new services.

Publication Services:

  • Smithsonian used free bibliographic services (Pub med, Google Scholar, BioOne, etc.) to produce staff publication lists i- house vs. using more expensive outside vendors.
  • Signing up for e-alerts via Google Scholar is a great tool.
  • A staff publication list is good for the office of public affairs and development office. This is sent to the museum’s management with copy to the scientist with a link to the article. If the information is put in central database, it can be reused for many different purposes, including posting to website.

Repository Services:

  • The open access movement in the 1990s resulted in many repository services. Often these services were built, but not used.
  • The staff bibliography can (partially) populate the repository.
  • Copyright and embargo issues can be tracked (easier for federal employees).
  • Most repositories allow user to “darken” the entry.
  • Get repository content indexed by Google Scholar, adhering to metadata compliance. Authors are keen to integrate publications into the science publishing ecosystem.
  • Identifiers!  It’s important to have DOI, Cross Ref, and ORCID identifiers in repositories and in the organization’s press so different machine systems can talk to each other.

Additional Publishing Support:

  • Librarians can be advocates regarding predatory journals.
  • Scientific Data and Metadata – Data management plan now required by government-funded work. Smithsonian has work group that provides guidance to staff. Journal of EScience Librarianship.

Alt Metrics to track social media. Smithsonian has contracted to track activity by Smithsonian authors.

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