Christine Matthews

In celebration of APLIC-I 50th Anniversary, we are posting profiles of many of our retired former members.  We are also seeking current contact information for colleagues who should be appearing in this blog or attending our Chicago Conference April 24-26 2017.  Please contact Jean Sack with former member information / your profile!

Chris Matthews

I joined APLIC-I in June of 1996 as I started work as a consultant, primarily organizing collections for small nonprofits, particularly organizations working on health or gender issues in developing countries. APLIC primarily kept me in touch with librarians in the field, gave me moral support, and helped keep me up to date in information trends.

When I returned as librarian at Bread for the World, I had contacts I felt comfortable asking for help from. Workshops and luncheons kept me abreast. I usually came back from gatherings being very grateful for my relatively low demanding job, thinking “I’m so glad I’m not in their shoes! How do they manage??”

All professional contacts/associations provide invaluable support, and APLIC is good at that.

Bread for the World Institute, Volunteer archivist

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