APLIC Show and Tell

During the 2015 Annual Conference Jean Sack coordinated a session dedicated to sharing resources and lessons learned. Here’s her report:

Although 8 APLIC members had planned to share on topics below in 3 short 20 minute sessions, time of start precluded 6 of the presentations. The actual two breakout groups discussed citation software and NIH requirements for manuscript uploads into PMC for access to peer-reviewed journal articles written under federal government grants.

Lori Rosman, Nykia Perez, Lori Delaney are willing to give a Webinar to APLIC members on NIH requirements for biographies, researcher NCBI bibliographies and federal grant-funded peer-reviewed research journal articles to be uploaded in full-text (publishers’ permissions or final manuscript versions) into PMC with a PMC ID number.

Jean Sack will post a PPT on encouraging HINARI use with our developing country national partners, MOHs, and universities. (See link after the table.)

Debra Dickson shared her PPT handout on a free sharing software, Medium. (See link after the table.)

Laurie Calhoun invited those interested in Open Access to join her for lunch,

Others are willing to share insights via a CoP format being proposed.


Amanda Berry Reference citation software Ask questions of group & discuss advantages of commercial (ENDNOTE, Reference Manager, Refworks) vs free (Mendeley, Zotero)
Lori Delaney How the Public Access affects our colleagues in uploading full-text of their research papers Demonstrate submitting a manuscript to the NIH Manuscript Submission system.NIH Public Access PolicySee a webinar from California! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V98Q7d2MrXM&feature=youtu.be
Debra Dickson K4Health’s use of Medium, a blog publishing platform, as a way to talk about KM in our publication called ‘The Exchange’. www.medium.com/the-exchange-k4health
Laurie Calhoun Lead discussion of experiences with Open Access, what Funders’ Require. Intro Open Access Tutorials from UNESCO http://doaj.org/ Directory of Open Access journals
Nykia Perez new NIH Biosketch requirement http://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/faq_biosketches.htm
Lori Rosman My NBCI for researcher’s bibliography and other docsOther government agency requirements From Claire: researchers are now not limited to linking to *publications*. They can list other products like databases, etc. and, myNCBI’s my bibliography allows you to enter citations that are not in PubMed manually http://www.ahrq.gov/funding/policies/publicaccess/index.html (Federally Funded Research)
Jean Sack HINARI – tool for partners’ collaboration http://www.who.int/hinari/en/Internet connection or just demo on PPT?
Jill Leonard Altmetrics tracks social media hits of academic papers like impact factor but on social media) https://www.altmetric.com/whatwedo.php(Access to the original Explorer is still free for academic librarians and repository managers, just email info@altmetric.com to request a login.)



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