Welcome to the APLIC Blog!

We’ll use the APLIC Blog to keep our members up to date with the latest about APLIC, libraries, information services, population, reproductive health, and other topics of interest.

The APLIC Blog will supplement our other communication channels: the APLIC Communicator and discussion lists.

You can read the blog on the web, or subscribe to our RSS feed. If you’re not sure what RSS is or how to use it, see this guide from BBC News.

The blog was created by the APLIC Communications Committee (Tara Murray, Kiet Bang, Laurie Calhoun, and Nykia Perez). We’d love to hear what you think! Leave a comment on this post, or email me. If you’re an APLIC member and would like to contribute as a blogger, please let me know.

1 Comment »

  1. Jean Sack wrote:

    February 5, 2009 @ 5:18 pm

    I like the blog! I seldom check my jean_c_sack@hotmail.com account where the many library requests listserv resides and infrequently visited the website since we returned from Bangladesh in 2007. This way I can post to you all easily:
    Hopkins Professor Dr. Michael Koenig – d Jan 27, 2009
    Some of your population colleagues worked with Mike Koenig while he lived in Dhaka in 1985-1991 and perhaps later in India at Ford Foundation or at Johns Hopkins. He passed away on January 27th after a long battle with cancer, still keeping as active professionally as possible, relishing his family, and publishing a new book in 2008. Hopefully you were informed earlier about his death by PAA. A memorial service at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health will be held later. Here is the Baltimore Sun notice. Kim Streatfield at ICDDR,B is collecting tributes/memories in a more complete write up. kims@icddrb.org


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