45th Annual Conference (April 2012)
Golden Opportunity:
Information leadership in a time of change
April 30, May 1-2, 2012
photo: http2007/creative commons
San Francisco, California
In conjunction with the 2012 Annual Meeting
of the Population Association of America
Union Square Hilton Hotel
View the Program
Register for the Conference (PDF)
Registration Details
- Nonmembers / renewing members (includes registration, banquet and 2012 membership), $325*
(early-bird discount : before March 30, $300) - Members who have already renewed for 2012 (includes registration and banquet), $275*
(early-bird discount : before March 30, $250) - Students (includes banquet), $75
- One-day attendees without banquet, $100
- One day attendees with banquet, $175
- Banquet only, $75
*Early-bird registration deadline: March 30, 2012; before March 30 subtract $25.00 from full registration fee.
Applies only to Member / Renewal full conference registration.
To register, download and complete the registration form.