Issue 76 (Fall 2002)

Fall 2002, Issue #76

The APLIC-International Communicator (ISSN 09-9847) is published several times yearly by the Association for Population and Family Planning Libraries and Information Centers, International.
Mailing address:
c/o Family Health International Library
P.O. Box 13950, RTP
NC 27709 USA
Yan Fu, Librarian
University of Michigan
Population Studies Center
426 Thompson Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248.
Phone: 734-998-6277
Fax: (734) 998-7415
Nykia M. Perez, Library Director
University of Pennsylvania
Population Studies Center
3718 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, Pa, 19104-6298
Phone 215-898-5375
Fax: 215-898-2124;

Table of Contents

President’s Message

Margie Shiels
Family Health International

I don’t know how the time goes so quickly. Already we are making plans for our annual meeting, which will signal an end to my term as President of APLIC-I. Leadership of the organization will pass into the capable hands of Zuali Malsawma.

I feel fortunate that librarians at the CPC, UNDP and IPPF, among others, had the foresight to organize this group over thirty-five years ago. Since our 1st National Conference held in Chapel Hill, NC in May 1968, APLIC-I has served as a leader for population, demography, and family planning libraries and information centers. As an outgrowth of the early conferences, members created a classification system for our area of specialization; published a directory of population libraries and information services; and created a union list of member holdings. As an organization, APLIC-I collaborated with groups in Latin America and Asia to sponsor training seminars for librarians in those regions. In more recent times, Susan Pasquaraila has encouraged us to create resource guides to electronic information in the field.

Our ongoing projects, especially the listservs, both the dups listerv and the general APLIC-I listserv, remain popular. I think many of us have benefited from both. I am personally grateful to Neil Zimmerman’s lightening fast response on many an ILL request. I have also felt gratified to send out materials through the dups program to organizations in India, Nepal, Nigeria, Argentina and Jamaica as well as to my neighbors in Chapel Hill, NC, north to Boston, Massachusetts and across the country to Seattle, Washington.

We have been fortunate to attract some enthusiastic and capable new members. In particular, Nykia Perez has stepped forward to work with Yan Fu as newsletter co-editor. Meanwhile, Lisa Sanders has been active in organizing a Seattle Chapter and exploring ways for members to share holdings via the Web.

As we look forward to our annual meeting, I would like to encourage members new and old to come forward with their ideas for how we can better serve population libraries and information centers worldwide. Electronic media offer us unique opportunities as we strive to collaborate more efficiently with our colleagues. We should investigate methods that allow us to network with members, regardless of our physical location.

I look forward to your suggestions as APLIC-I embraces new challenges and moves forward to meet member needs.

Hope to see you at the Annual Meeting!
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2002 APLIC-I Annual Conference Wrap Up & Photos

This year’s annual theme was “The Young and the Rest of Us: Finding Information on Special Populations,” which took place on May 6-8, 2002 at the Atlanta Hilton & Towers, Atlanta, GA. To see PDF’s for the presentations and meeting minutes as well as bios from our presenters, please see the Conference home page at:

To see Conference Photos from Atlanta please see the Conference home page or click here:
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Information and Knowledge for Optimal Health (INFO)

Peggy D’Adamo
Johns Hopkins University
Center for Communication Programs

Population Information Program (PIP), publisher of POPLINE and Population Reports, will soon become INFO! USAID has selected Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Center for Communication Programs (CCP), The Alan Guttmacher Institute, and Analytical Sciences Inc. to carry out a new $33 million, 5-year global reproductive health information project.

INFO will collect, synthesize and make available information on family planning and reproductive health. The project will also collect and disseminate best practices related to reproductive health from both the developed and the developing world. INFO plans to use a variety of technologies to enable health professionals and policy-makers to communicate with each other and to contribute to a comprehensive base of knowledge.

JHU/CCP has managed the Population Information Project (PIP) since 1978, with support from USAID. INFO will succeed PIP and continue many of PIP’s widely used products and services, including Population Reports, The Essentials of Contraceptive Technology handbook, POPLINE (, RH Gateway (, and Photoshare (, a collection of photographs on international health topics.

In addition, INFO is designed to create new opportunities to improve and enhance the flow of knowledge around the world. Working with worldwide health professionals’ organizations, health information organizations in developing countries, other USAID-supported organizations, and USAID country Missions, INFO plans to help build capabilities to generate and share information throughout the world.

The Alan Guttmacher Institute, a PIP partner for many years, will continue to publish its peer-reviewed journal International Family Planning Perspectives and will collaborate with CCP to enhance the ability of researchers to communicate their findings more effectively to policymakers and other important audiences. Analytical Sciences, a health sciences professional services firm that currently manages the CDC’s National Prevention Information Network (, will apply new technologies to communicating health information and help build effective platforms for information-sharing and network-building.
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My APLIC-I Conference Experience

Yan Fu
Population Studies Center
University of Michigan

My first APLIC-I conference was in LA. It was March 2000. Weather in Michigan was still cold and dreary. While I was glad to land in sunny California, I didn’t know what to expect from the conference and its attendees that I had never met. Now three conferences later, I feel like an old timer and would like to share my thoughts on conference attendance with the Communicator readers.

Conference Themes
We often decide if we are going to a particular conference by looking at the topic of the conference. Am I interested in preservation and dissemination in the digital age (APLIC-I, 2000), information collaboration (2001) or adolescent health (2002)? While this is a reasonable approach in deciding if money and time are well spent, I have found that there are enough variations in a theme to satisfy a variety of interests. Besides, the most memorable speakers are not necessary those addressing your immediate concerns. Good presentations remove me from my cataloging or library space problems (to be tackled later in breakout sessions) and install in me a new sense of purpose and perspective. I greatly enjoyed the presentation of Dr. Laura Kann from CDC (2002) on teens at risk. While the topic was of great interest to me, I was even more impressed by her enthusiasm and dedication to her work and I felt fortunate to be associated in some way with a great cause.

Breakout Sessions
Once I was inspired, I felt more ready than before to deal with the real problems I was facing at work. Breakout sessions were perfect for learning and improving job knowledge and skills. When I attended the first conference in 2000, my library was in the process of moving the card catalog online. I learned a lot from Peggy D’Adamo (John Hopkins), Anne Ilacqua and Carol Knopf (Brown) about Inmagic. In Washington, DC 2001, we had a very good discussion about measuring the impact of information and library services. Bill Barrows and Margie Shiels passed on excellent tips on marketing library services. This year in Atlanta, Funmi Akhigbe and Chengzhi Wang led great sessions on Popline and Princeton’s international collection. My knowledge of Popline and the Princeton collection benefited my library soon after I came back from the conference. Population Studies Center at University of Michigan hosts summer training programs for international scholars from developing countries. With the help of Funmi, I was able to distribute Popline information and make international researchers aware of the resources they can use after they returned to their own countries. I also contacted Chengzhi at Princeton for getting some data on Taiwan.

Library Tours
Another very enjoyable part of attending conference to me was going on library tours. Since most of us work in small libraries and are involved with every aspect of library operations, seeing the physical space and the general layout of another library is a fun experience. I would be looking for where they put their reference collections, what kind of file boxes and what size of call number labels are used and so on. During those library tours, we also learned the services the libraries provide to their users and online resources that we can utilize in our own work. Besides, how often would you have a chance to hold a real Oscar prize in your hand (Center for Motion Picture Study and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, LA, 2000) or walk in the restricted basement shelving areas of the National Library of Medicine (DC, 2001) or be transported by CDC vans from one of its libraries to another (Atlanta, 2002)?

Working in a small library can be a lonely job. There are not many people in your organization that you can discuss your plans or ideas with. A network of librarians in a similar environment can fill the gap. Conference is a good place to talk to veterans in the field who come with all their experiences and devotion to the organization. It is also a meeting place for new people who have just started. A lot of information is exchanged and practical advice offered during informal meetings. I notice many people come prepared with a list of specific questions to ask their colleagues.

PAA Exhibit Hall
Seeing researchers from your institution at PAA is a great way to let them know you are interested in their work and in learning new things. Your professional development helps to renew their trust in your ability and respect for your work. Exhibit Hall offers you the chance to find out new resources from government agencies and publishers. There are many free publications for you to take back to your library.

Conference Planning
A great way to make sure the conference is worth attending is to get involved early at the planning stage. The president calls for ideas and papers every year and the Board of Directors would love to hear suggestions of what topic to cover and whom to invite as speakers. Every October, the Board of Directors gathers at the president’s home state and plans for the conference. A great deal of discussions goes into the planning sessions. I attended the conference planning meeting last fall at Chapel Hill and realized how much work the organizers put in to make it a valuable experience to members. The topic selected has to be of interest to people working in university population studies centers as well as to people working in the reproductive health organizations. The presentation speakers need to be invigorating and thought-provoking. Publicity needs to be done early and in such a way as to draw new comers and international members. Work is divided in the areas of registration, library tour, conference program, conference banquet, hotel conference room booking and city tourist information. The organizers dedicate a lot of their time and energy to make the conference experience an enjoyable one for attendees.

In summary, conferences offered me opportunities to remove myself from daily routines and to re-examine my priorities at work. I came back from each conference feeling inspired by the great work and innovative ideas of my colleagues and ready to implement new projects and programs at my library. I am looking forward to seeing old and new faces in Minneapolis in the spring of 2003.
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Spotlight on a Member Library: Demography Library, Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania

Nykia M. Perez
Population Studies Center
University of Pennsylvania

The Demography Library at the University of Pennsylvania’s Population Studies Center (PSC) houses a research collection of over 33,000 items. The Demography Library supports the research and course work of individuals affiliated with the Population Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Unlike some of the other NICHD funded Population Studies Center Library’s, the Demography Library is not part of the University of Pennsylvania Library System. The library also has an online public access catalog, Athena (, which provides anytime, anywhere access to the library holdings. The library is open from Monday through Friday from nine am to five PM and keys are available for check out to graduate students, research associates and affiliates of the PSC.

The Demography Library has a total of 1.5 staff members, one full-time librarian and one half-time library assistant. In addition, the library has hired a student assistant to work 12 hours a week for this year. Nykia M. Perez (, the Library Director, provides reference and research assistance to scholars at the PSC, maintains the library collection, including copy cataloging, original cataloging and acquisitions, provides ILL and document delivery services, informs researchers about new resources via the web and e-mail, maintains the PSC website, trains researchers in using the Internet to locate resources and widely used bibliographic management software, maintains a data archive of CD-ROM’s and web links to data resources, collaborates with other population libraries as well as plans and manages Demography Library services and development. Karen L. Cook (, the Library Assistant processes course reserves, maintains the journal collection, coordinates the table of contents service, handles circulation of our collection, provides tours of the library, organizes bindery shipments, and assists with cataloging, ordering, document delivery and reference and with the overall management and development of the library and its services.

The primary mission and purpose of the Demography Library is to achieve the highest level of library service to the Population Studies Center and its Research Associates. In addition to the basic collection on demographic research and methodology, we have holdings on demographic history, economics, migration, family sociology, labor force, women, family planning, aging and health. Geographic coverage is worldwide, with particular emphasis on Africa and other developing regions. The Library also collaborates with other information and computing organizations and departments to provide the highest level of library and information services to the Population Studies Center. Our services include, Acquisitions, Bibliographic and Library Instruction and Training, Citation Verification, Circulation Services, Course Reserves, Document Retrieval, Courier Service and Interlibrary Loan, Literature Searching, Orientations & Tours of the Library, Research Assistance, Reference Services, and a current awareness Tables of Contents Service via e-mail and Web maintenance and updates. The Demography Library is housed on the 4th and 5th floors of the McNeil Building just above the PSC Offices. A PC is available for searching the online resources and a networked workstation and scanner for library research is also available. The Demography Library also provides access to POPLINE and other networked CD-ROM’s as requested

The collection consists of over 18,904 monographs (including foreign statistical publications and censuses, US statistical publications, and reference materials), over 11,000 working papers, over 2,000 reprints, over 1,500 graduate level course reserve articles and book chapters, over 395 dissertations, over 175 US census volumes, and over 100 data sets on CD-ROMs and documentation volumes on special reserve. Of the 324 journals and newsletters approximately 100 of those subscriptions are currently received. The African Census Analysis Project Collection is also housed in the Demography Library and contains over 400 cataloged items. Most items circulate for a three-month time period and course reserves have a one-day loan period. In addition to the printed materials, the Library houses and provides access to data resources available in electronic formats. The collection includes volumes on aging and public health, demographic methodology, demographic history, economic demography, migration, mortality, family sociology, labor force participation, race and ethnicity, fertility and family planning and women’s issues. Geographic coverage is worldwide, with particular emphasis on Africa and other developing regions.

The selection of library materials is the responsibility of the Librarian. Suggestions for selection by PSC Research Associates are evaluated according to relevance to the current collection, cost, duplication of Penn Libraries collection, availability of item at other population libraries, and finally, if necessary the Library Committee (currently inactive) will be consulted. The Librarian also uses publisher’s catalogs (both online and paper), acquisitions lists from other population libraries, and book reviews in journals to locate new acquisitions. Materials are weeded from the collection if they are duplicates or if they do not fall into any of the Library of Congress call number categories in our collection development policy. Weeded materials are offered to PSC RA’s, staff and students, and the remaining items are sent to other libraries.

Athena, the online public access catalog of the Demography Library only contains records for material held within the Demography Library collection and is not at all connected to the Penn Libraries catalog (Franklin). The catalog contains records for working papers, journal articles, monographs, serials, government reports, censuses, reference materials, CD-ROM’s and dissertations. The Demography Library also relies on the resources, services and collections of the Penn library system. The Penn library system holds more than 5 million printed volumes, 3.6 million items in microform, and subscribes to more than 39,000 serials. The Penn Library also provides access to over 250 online databases, provides access to over 4,700 electronic journals and has made some of their special collections available via their digital library initiatives. Penn’s Digital Library provides the Penn Community with access to a plethora of scholarly resources including numerous online databases and electronic journals many of which provide full-text content. The Penn Libraries E-Journals and databases pages provide a list of resource relevant to the population studies and demography community including access over one hundred journals and over 50 databases. The PSC Library homepage provides links to E-Journals& Databases and other resources related to demography.

The Demography’s Library leadership and direction will also be shifting and more attention will be focused on the dissemination of information to our researchers as well as informing the international population studies research community of research going on at the PSC. The very recent launch of the new PSC web site ( will enable the Demography Library ( to provide such services. The Demography Library and staff will continue its membership and affiliation with APLIC-I and looks forward to working with other members of the APLIC-I community to provide the best possible services to our constituents.
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Ansley J. Coale honored at Princeton University

Jackie Druery
Donald E. Stokes Library
Princeton University

Princeton University’s Population Research Collection was named in honor of Ansley J. Coale on June 25, 2002 and is now officially known as the Ansley J. Coale Population Research Collection. Ansley J. Coale, distinguished economist and demographer at Princeton University and director of the Office of Population Research (OPR), 1959-1975, was honored for his contributions to teaching, research and the development of demography as an interdisciplinary field of study. He is a notable innovator in demography including his development of the index of overall fertility and his work on stable population theory. In addition to his long list of published journal articles, books, conference presentations and awards, Ansley was a delegate to the UN Population Commission (1961-68); president of the Population Association of America (1967-68); member of the President’s Commission on Federal Statistics (1970-71); and, president of IUSSP (1977-81) – to name but a few of his professional activities.

The ceremony was attended by Ansley and Sue Coale, and their son, Rob. Also in attendance was distinguished colleague, Paul Demeny, and numerous OPR faculty, researchers, visitors and staff. Marta Tienda, outgoing OPR director, and Charles Westoff, Senior OPR Research Demographer, spoke about Ansley’s distinguished career and his many contributions to the field of demography and to Princeton University. To everyone’s amusement, James Trussell, incoming OPR director, recalled his first encounters as a graduate student with the endless numbers in Ansley and Paul’s “Regional model life tables and stable populations”. Marvin Bielawski, Princeton’s Deputy University Librarian, spoke about the significance of the collection as one of the oldest in the country. More information about and photographs from the ceremony can be found at

OPR has created an endowment and is conducting a fund raising campaign to support the collection in years to come. This account will be used exclusively to purchase books and monographs in population studies and will supplement the existing acquisitions budget from the library. More information about the collection can be found at The collection is housed in the Donald E. Stokes Library (
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Internet Resources

New Publications and Web Resources for Reproductive Health
Compiled by Peggy D’Adamo, Johns Hopkins University

Annotated Bibliography of Young People’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Resources

Prepared by Cicely Marston for the World Health Organization. This bibliography is intended to provide a guide to up-to-date and relevant literature on young people’s sexual and reproductive health for investigators undertaking research in less developed countries.

Gender, HIV, and Human Rights – A training manual
This publication is available for free download. This is a training manual about gender issues, HIV, and Human Rights. The training manual is geared toward a one day, facilitated workshop that is conducted face to face in groups of no more than 35 people. The purpose of the workshop is to both “enhance understanding about gender and HIV and to arrive at strategies that address the challenges of HIV from a gender perspective.”

Beyond the Basics: A Sourcebook on Sexual and Reproductive Heath Education
Beyond the Basics is a tool for educators who deliver sexual and reproductive health education to 9- 18 year olds. This extensive 400 page manual (which can be downloaded in sections) contains lesson plans for different age groups on a wide range of sexual health education topics including values, puberty and reproductive health, self esteem, sexual identity, relationships, communication and decision-making, contraception and safer sex and STIs and HIV.

How-To Rural Toolkit for Sexual Health Programs and Services
Interested in starting a Planned Parenthood or similar organization? Do you live in a rural or remote community? Visit The How-To Rural Toolkit designed to increase access to sexual and reproductive healthcare programs in rural communities. With over 500 links, this clearinghouse has information on everything from obtaining funding to assessing community needs to developing and evaluating programs.

GIS& Map Resources in honor of GIS Day 2002
Compiled by Nykia M. Perez, University of Pennsylvania

In honor of The National Geographic Society sponsored Geography Awareness Week, November 17-23, 2002 and GIS Day 2002, November 20, 2002, I have compiled a short list of links to GIS resources and other map and geographic resources that may be of interest to APLIC-I members. To learn more about GIS Day 2002 or to find an event near you, go to the official web site at:

General Resources
ArcData Online
ESRI’s Internet Mapping and Data Site which contains freely accessible data as well as data available.

Digital Chart of the World Server
Provides boundary and layer files for use with ESRI’s Arc products, which are available for downloading from Penn State’s server.

Geography Network
A global network of geographic information users and providers managed by ESRI. Most of the data available on this site is free.

GIS Data Depot
A geospatial data depository which provides access to some free and some fee based data.

GIS Lounge
A GIS information portal, formerly the Guide to GIS The site provides introductory text for issues relating to GIS as well as pointers to further information.

National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA)
An independent research consortium dedicated to basic research and education in geographic information science and its related technologies, including geographic information systems (GIS).

National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
The Federal Geographic Data Committee’s (FGDC) gateway to national and international data.

Open GIS Consortium (OGS)
An international industry consortium of more than 220 companies, government agencies and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geoprocessing specifications and protocols.

Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)
One of the Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) in the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) for NASA. The center is focuses on human interactions in the environment and supports the integration of socioeconomic, social science, and Earth science data.

The Terra Server
An MSN server, which contains over 3 terabytes of high resolution USGS aerial imagery and USGS topographic maps available for download.

What is GIS? from is a portal to GIS information on the Internet created by ESRI. The purpose of the site is to provide individuals with an interest in learning about GIS and geographic technology information and links to resources about GIS
GIS and Map Products from the U. S. Census Bureau
State and County Outline Maps (Census 2000)
This is one of the latest additions to the U.S. Census Bureau’s map resources available online, which was added in October 2002.

American FactFinder (US Census Bureau)
Tables and maps for all geography’s including the US, states, counties, cities, towns, American Indian reservations, metropolitan areas, zip codes, census tracts, blocks, and more by census data set. Locate Census geography’s and view Census data in map format.

TIGER, TIGER /Line, and Related Products (US Census Bureau)
Tiger (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system) files and products allow users to create online maps and more.

Census 2000 Redistricting Data Map Products
Download or Print county block maps, voting district outline maps and census tract outline maps for selected geographic area.

Census Bureau Geography
The home page for the US Census Bureau’s geographic and map related products, files and information contains links to the various products available related to the US Censuses, more information can be obtained here.

State Date Centers
The State Data Centers Program is a cooperative program between the states and the Census Bureau to make data available locally to the public through a network of state agencies, universities, libraries, and regional and local governments. This site links to the official web sites for these data centers, which are official sources of demographic, economic, and social statistics produced by the Census Bureau.

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Eighteen New Books about GIS, population and related fields 2000-2002

Compiled by Nykia M. Perez, University of Pennsylvania

  1. Albert, Donald P., Wilbert M. Gesler, Barbara Levergood. 2000. Spatial analysis, GIS and remote sensing: applications in the health sciences. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Sleeping Bear Press.
  2. Clarke, Keith C., Brad E. Parks, and Michael P. Crane. 2002. Geographic Information Systems and Environmental Modeling. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  3. Craig, William J., Trevor M. Harris, and Daniel Weiner. 2002. Community Participation and Geographic Information Systems. London and New York: Taylor & Francis.
  4. Cromley, Ellen K. and Sara McLafferty. 2002. GIS and Public Health. New York: Guilford Press.
  5. Committee on the Geographic Foundation for Agenda 21, Committee on Geography, Mapping Science Committee, National Research Council, and Board on Earth Sciences and Resources (BESR). 2002. Down to Earth: Geographical Information for Sustainable Development in Africa. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
  6. Easa, Said, Yupo Chan, American Society of Civil Engineers, and Geographic Information Systems Committee. 2000. Urban Planning and Development Applications of GIS Reston, Virginia: ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers.
  7. Elliot, Paul. 2000. Spatial epidemiology: methods and applications. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
  8. Gatrell, Anthony C., Markku Löytönen, and European Science Foundation. 1998. GIS and Health. London and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Taylor & Francis.
  9. Gimblett, H. R. 2002. Integrating Geographic Information Systems and Agent-Based Modeling Techniques for Simulating Social and Ecological Processes. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
  10. Goedde, Petra. 2002. GIS and Germans: Culture, Gender, and Foreign Relations, 1945-1949. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
  11. Lawson, Andrew B. 2001. Statistical methods in spatial epidemiology. Chichester and New York: John Wiley.
  12. Lutz, Wolfgang, Alexia Prskawetz, and Warren C. Sanderson. 2002. Population and Environment: Methods of Analysis. A supplement to vol. 28, 2002 of Population and Development Review. New York: Population Council.
  13. Melnick, Alan L. 2002. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems in Public Health. Gaithersburg, Maryland: Aspen Publishers.
  14. Multisystems, inc, United States, Federal Transit Administration, Transit Cooperative Research Program, Transit Development Corporation, National Research Council (US), Transportation Research Board, and Applied Geographics, Inc. 2000. Using Geographic Information Systems for Welfare to Work Transportation Planning and Service Delivery: a Handbook. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
  15. Neteler, Markus and Helena Mitasova. 2002. Open Source GIS: a Grass GIS Approach. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  16. Skidmore, Andrew. 2002. Environmental Modelling With GIS and Remote Sensing. New York: Taylor & Francis.
  17. Stillwell, John C. H., H. J. Scholten, and SIMILOR (Project). 2001. Land Use Simulation for Europe. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  18. Walsh, Stephen J. and Kelley A. Crews-Meyer. 2002. Linking People, Place, and Policy: a GIScience Approach. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

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Happenings: Calendar of Events

Compiled by Nykia M. Perez, University of Pennsylvania

October 24-25, 2002 APLIC-I Board of Directors Meeting, Washington, DC. See the next issue of the Communicator for details.
November 18-21, 2002 American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
January 24-29, 2003 The 2003 American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
April 10-13, 2003 Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), 11th National Conference: Learning to Make a Difference, Charlotte, North Carolina.
April 28-30, 2003 APLIC-I Annual Conference 2003, Minneapolis, Minnesota. See the next issue of the Communicator for details.
May 1-3, 2003 PAA Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
May 2-7, 2003 Medical Library Association, Annual Conference, MLA ’03: Catch the Wave!, San Diego, California.
May 25-30, 2003 International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST) Annual Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
June 7-12, 2003 Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, New York, New York.
June 19-25, 2003 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference & Canadian Library Association (CLA) Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario. &
July 13-17, 2003 Seminar on Taking Stock of the Condom in the Era of HIV/AIDS, Organized by the IUSSP Committee on Reproductive Health, in collaboration with The Department of Population Studies, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana.
August 1 – 9, 2003 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 69th General Conference and Council, Access Point Library: Media – Information – Culture.
August 16-19, 2003 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.

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APLIC-I Call for Submissions & Volunteers

Compiled by Nykia M. Perez, University of Pennsylvania
The APLIC-I Communicator Needs You
Spotlight On Our Members” will profile a different member of APLIC-I in each issue of the APLIC-I Communicator. The member is selected from the membership list and is then interviewed by one of the Editors or members can volunteer to participate. The goal is to foster a broader appreciation of the diverse membership of the association. Do you have a story you would like to tell? Talk to us.

Spotlight On Our Libraries” will profile a different type of information organization as per our APLIC-I in each issue of the APLIC-I Communicator. A member library is selected at from the membership list and is then asked to contribute a short description of their organizations library or information services. Members can also volunteer to participate. The goal is to foster a broader appreciation of the diversity in our member’s organizations and to share the different types of work that APLIC-I members do. Did you want to know how another library does “it”? Here is where we will try to provide you with some answers.
Call for APLIC-I Electronic Resource Guides
Currently there are five POPIN-APLIC-I Electronic Resource Guides which were compiled by members of APLIC-I and POPIN in 2000 and early 2001. Please see the table below for details about the current Electronic Resource Guides.

Your ideas and expertise is needed to compile new issues of the electronic resource guides. It is time to add to our list of resources.

  • Is there a topic you would like to know more about?
  • Do you have expertise in a particular field and would you like to share the resources you think are outstanding with other librarians and information professionals?
  • Have you ever wondered if there may be a more appropriate source for the information you need?
  • Would you like to see a list of core materials in demography, population studies, reproductive health, etc.?
  • What resources do other population, reproductive health librairans and information professionals use to answer this question?

If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, please let us know.

Current POPIN-APLIC-I Electronic Resource Guides
No.1 Getting Started: Selected Electronic Resources on HIV/AIDS
No. 2 Guide to Citation of Electronic Information, Copyright and Intellectual Property
No. 3 Electronic Training Resources on Population and Reproductive Health
No. 4 Electronic Training Resources on Best Practices and Lessons Learned in
No. 5 Using the Internet: Courses, Self-Tutorials, and Training Materials
To see the PDF’s visit

In addition, if your library or organization has already done this in an area or subject and would like to share the link with other members, please send us the URL and we can post in the Internet Population/Family Planning Resources Links section of the APLIC-I web site.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you, Nykia M. Perez,

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