Issue 69 (Winter 1999)

Winter 1999, Issue #69

The APLIC-International Communicatoris published several times yearly by the Association for Population and Family Planning Libraries and Information Centers, International. Mailing address: c/o Family Health International Library, P.O. Box 13950, RTP, NC 27709 USA. ISSN 09-9847
Jean Sack, Hopkins Population Center, Johns Hopkins University, 615 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205.Phone: 410-614-5222; Fax 410-614-7288; E-mail:
Diane M. Rubino, Gender, Family, and Development Program Population Council/USA, 1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, New York, NY 10017.Phone: 212/339-0657; Fax: 212/755-6052; E-mail:

Table of Contents

Presidents’ Message
By Lisa A. Newman, Population Studies Center – University of Pennsylvania
Anne K. Ilacqua, Brown University Demography Library
APLIC-I Co-Presidents

Our year as co-Presidents is coming to a close and we would like to reflect on some of the advantages (and the very few disadvantages) of this kind of partnership. It has been wonderful to have someone else to share ideas with before presenting them to the organization as a whole. We brainstorm together and come up with solutions to problems that would have been difficult and frustrating alone, had we been by ourselves. Some of the anxiety of the conference planning process was alleviated by dividing responsibilities and sharing the emotional ups and downs.

We were also able to work well together, in spite of our different personalities and work habits – or perhaps because of them! The few difficulties we had were mainly a result of slight miss-communications (easy when using email and having a delayed reaction time) and busy work schedules. This organization managed, however, to accomplish some great things, and we would like to mention some of them now.

The APLIC-I By-Laws were completely revised after many years of discussions and we now have a working set of guidelines to use when conducting association business (and thank you to Audun Gythfeldt for taking the lead in this). The revised by-laws are mounted on the APLIC-I web site and are easy to consult when we are confronted with issues like Board members who can’t come to meetings anymore, Officers resigning and being replaced by “Acting” Officers, election schedules, Treasurer’s responsibilities, and so on.

APLIC-I has made a start in organizing its archival collection and a solid plan has been devised by Edith Ericson. We have begun collecting materials to be archived after a long hiatus of inactivity. We are also talking about how to archive electronic material and what items should be kept and in what format. It is all very exciting to see APLIC-I’s history being preserved like this!

The APLIC-I Communicator has been transformed thanks to Diane Rubino, Jean Sack, Peggy D’Adamo and Nicole Pelsinsky, into a truly professional looking electronic document. We are proud, as Presidents, to have this represent our organization on the Internet. The articles are well written and informative and the web-format allows us to offer up-to-date membership information, listserv subscription information, and a conferences calendar in every issue.

We are looking forward, with interest and anticipation, to the March conference! Peggy D’Adamo has done a wonderful job arranging speakers and topics that truly represent the conference theme. We know how difficult conference planning is and Peggy has remained calm and competent through it all – though we’re not surprised! It will be a great conference in a great city and we know you will all try and attend.

Thanks for a rewarding year and we’ll see you in New York!

Lisa Newman and Anne Ilacqua

APLIC-I Member News

  • Julia Cleaver, INTRAH (nominee for APLIC-I class of 2002)
    “This fall my husband and I bought a new house just south of Chapel Hill. We are out in the country, and yet are right across the road from our childrens’ school. It is wonderful. My new address is: Julia Cleaver, 295 River Forest Road,Pittsboro, NC 27312 (919) 968-3747.

    Just before Christmas INTRAH moved into a brand new building that UNC has built on the North side of Chapel Hill. We are all slowly getting settled into our new offices. Just a week ago Friday the shelving was installed in our new Resource Center. The books had been packed on temporary carts for a month. We have quickly moved books and arranged everything just in time to welcome the External Evaluation team visiting the PRIME project. OK, I do have a lot of boxes still to unpack and sort through. But the place looks great. It is the best space that the INTRAH Resource Center has ever had. Notice that we even changed our name from Resource Collection to Resource Center. Our new address (please note that this is a new email and web address as well) is: INTRAH Resource Center, 1700 Airport Road, Suite 300, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Phone: (919) 962-6846. E-mail:

  • Lisa Croucher
    Lisa has returned to INTRAH in a new position as Innovative Learning Approaches Specialist. It is great to have her back. Her email is
  • John Rollin Watson III, 44, Medical Librarian and AIDS Information Specialist
    Washington Post (01/21/99) P. B6 International AIDS educator John Rollin Watson III died on Saturday, January 16, of AIDS complications. Mr. Watson, 44, played a key role in the development of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National AIDS Clearinghouse, working from 1988 to 1996 as a librarian and Senior International Multicultural liaison at CDC NAC. His fluency in languages and his experience around the world helped to further his understanding of how cultural and ethnic subtleties affect the way in which people accept HIV prevention information. In addition, Mr. Watson provided intensive, tailored training and technical help to AIDS information providers sent to the CDC by foreign governments for training. Mr. Watson’s many other achievements include serving on the Maryland Governor’s Advisory Council on AIDS, serving as a member of the Whitman-Walker Clinic AIDS Services Operating Committee, and serving as an advisor to the Pan-American Health Organization’s AIDS programs. He also was a founding member of GENA, participated in AIDS meetings across the world, advised Infoshare Russia, and mentored a Washington, D.C., youth AIDS group. Mr. Watson is survived by his life partner, Bill Owens-Smith, his son Jason, his mother, and three siblings.
  • University of Michigan Population Studies Center has moved. Nika Bareket writes that the new mailing address is 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1248. For those of you who think a visit might soon be in order, the actual street address is 311 Maynard, 2nd floor. Nika J. Bareket, Info Resource Coordinator/Librarian Population Studies, University of Michigan. Phone: (734) 998-6277 Fax: (734) 998-7415. http://www.psc.lsa/library. E-mail:

New Project Announcements

Frontiers in Reproductive Health: Operations Research Project

The Population Council, has been awarded a five-year $60 million cooperative agreement by USAID to improve family planning and reproductive health services in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, the Near East, Latin America, and the former Soviet Union. The new project, Frontiers in Reproductive Health, uses OR to improve clients’ access to care and enhance the quality and sustainability of reproductive health services. The Council’s partners are Family Health International and Tulane University School of Public Health

Frontiers will use OR not only to foster the development of new reproductive health policies but also to demonstrate how these policies can be implemented at the community level. Frontiers will develop innovative solutions to service delivery problems; communicate research results to policymakers and program managers; and improve managers’ ability to solve problems by building OR capacity in local organizations. Frontiers consolidates the Council’s three regional OR/TA Projects in Africa, Asia and the Near East, and Latin America and the Caribbean, into a global program to study common problems in different contexts.

The OR E-Mail Network, an automated electronic mailing system that transmits e-mail messages on OR findings from the Council’s headquarters in New York to over 500 subscribers worldwide, is from now on based in the Council’s Office in Washington, D.C. For further information, please contact:
Cynthia Green, Ph.D.
Director for Policy Communication
Population Council – Frontiers
4301 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Suite 280
Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel: (202) 237-9400;

Fax: (202) 237-8410

JHPIEGO Corporation Awarded USAID Cooperative Agreement to Strengthen Reproductive Health Training Systems

JHPIEGO Corporation, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University, has been awarded a five-year $97 million cooperative agreement by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to strengthen reproductive health training systems in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Near East and the former Soviet Union. The new Training in Reproductive Health III Project (TRH) builds on JHPIEGO’s previous awards. It will establish integrated training systems for family planning and reproductive health by developing, disseminating and implementing national policy and service delivery guidelines; developing a network of trainers to provide expert technical and training support in the preservice and inservice arenas; and helping ensure management support for the entire training system. Currently, more than 100 professional and support staff located at the U.S. headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland and in field offices in 11 countries are responsible for conducting projects in 37 developing countries.

JHPIEGO has also been awarded a five-year $60 million cooperative agreement by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Office of Health and Nutrition, to increase use of appropriate maternal and neonatal health and nutrition practices and services globally, with priority given to countries having high numbers of maternal deaths. The new Maternal and Neonatal Health (MNH) Program will focus on applying known approaches and testing and implementing new technologies to reduce maternal and newborn deaths in developing countries. JHPIEGO’s partners in the MNH Program are Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs (JHU/CCP), the Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA) and the Program for Appropriate Technology for Health (PATH). The Program Director, Adrienne Allison, and a team of technical experts will manage this global program from JHPIEGO’s offices in Baltimore, Maryland. According to Noel McIntosh, JHPIEGO’s President, the MNH team will work closely with the Corporation’s technical and programming offices and the MNH Partners field-based staff, who are located in more than 40 countries, to implement its initiatives.

Building on the progress made to date by the global Safe Motherhood Initiative and USAID’s MotherCare Program, the new MNH Program will demonstrate that deaths of mothers and newborns can be prevented through increased community awareness, commitment and participation; improved policies and political support; and strengthened service delivery practices. The MNH Program will provide global leadership to build stakeholder support at the local, regional and national levels and to leverage resources from the public, for-profit and nonprofit sectors.

Revising the APLIC Members Survey

Many new members and information centers have become part of the APLIC-I professional network since Gloria Roberts first collected surveys about our library resources in 1993. At theboard meeting last Fall, the APLIC-I Board pledged to revise Gloria’s original form to reflect the new electronic age and then ask current members to update the profiles of their collections and services.But, before we begin the task of updating the form, we want your feedback on it. Please look at it and send your suggestions to our membership chair: Lisa Newman [] by e-mail.

We will be discussing the revision at our APLIC Business Meeting at 2:00 on Wednesday March 24th during the New York conference. Your feedback is essential now, particularly if you are unable to attend the March 22-24 conference. Here are some other questions to consider.

  • — Are you willing for this information to be mounted on our website? (it would not be in a format for general mailings so that someone could use it as a mailing list but it might be mounted with a searchable interface… )
  • — Do you have ideas about how you personally would utilize such a directory?

Click -> to review the survey.

APLIC-I Board Meeting Photos

These photos were taken at the Fall Board Meeting in Providence,
RI but we were unable to get them scanned in time for the last issue of The
. Don’t forget to bring your camera to New York to snap some
photos for the next issue.

Jean Sack and Wendy Brand

Audun Gythfeldt and Diane Rubino

Susan Pasquariella and Jean Sack

Audun Gythfeldt and Peggy D’Adamo

1999 Conferences

  • February 6-7, 1999NGO Forum
    and Youth 1 Forum

    will take place at the Netherlands International Congress Centre in The
    Hague. For more information contact: Marianne Haslegrave, Organizer NGO
    Forum, Wouter Meijer, Convenor NGO Forum, Secretariat World Population
    Foundation. Ampèrestraat 10, 1221 GJ Hilversum Netherlands Tel: (31) 35
    6422304 Fax: (31) 35 6421462. E-mail:;

  • February 8-12 1999The Hague
    Forum, an operational review of the ICPD,
    is an input to the
    Commission on Population and Development (CPD), which will meet from
    22-30 March 1999. The Commission will serve as the preparatory meeting
    for the General Assembly Special Session in June.

  • February 10-11, 1999CARING
    COMMUNITIES FOR THE 21ST CENTURY: Villages and Cities for All
    . United Nations Headquarters – New York City. E-mail:

  • February 24-26, 1999Children
    ’99 Countdown to the Millennium
    . Child Welfare League of America
    National Conference. Grand Hyatt Washington, Washington, D.C. Phone:
    202-638-2952, E-mail:

  • March 8-10, 1999Computers in
    . Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia. Tel:
    609-654-6266; Fax: (609) 654-4309. E-mail:

  • March 18-20 Mega Countries Meeting,
    Geneva, Switzerland. World Health Organization

  • March 22-24 APLIC-I ANNUAL
    CONFERENCE: Population Information Resources for a Changing Planet
    Marriott Marquis, New York City. Hotel Reservations can be made by
    calling 800/228-9290 or 212-398-1900 or completing the PAA Hotel form at
    For more information contact: Peggy D’Adamo, 410-659-6256 or


  • March 25-27 Population Association
    of America Annual Meeting
    . Marriott Marquis, New York City.


  • March 22-30 Commission on
    Population and Development (CPD)
    . New York


  • March 25-26 Older Adults, Health
    Information, and the World Wide Web
    . Hosted by The SPRY Foundation,
    Washington, D. C. and The University of Georgia Gerontology Center. Held
    at Natcher Center on the campus of The National Institutes of Health
    Bethesda, Maryland. For more information about registration for the
    Conference or registration to display an electronic poster, please
    contact: SPRY Foundation/10 G Street, NE, Suite 600, Washington, D.C.,
    20002-4215. Email:
    Telephone: (202) 216-8467; FAX: (202) 216-0779. Website:

  • March 26-29 National Aids Update
    . Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, San Francisco, California.
    For more information contact Katharine Krebs, 657 Carolina Street, San
    Francisco, CA 94107-2725 Telephone: (415) 920-7000 Fax: (415) 920-7001

  • April 25-28 Geospatial Information
    & Technology Association (GITA ): Seize the Advantage Through GIT
    Charlotte, North Carolina. Robert Samborsky, Executive Director, GITA,
    Telephone: +1 303 337 0513. E-mail:

  • May 26-28 Decreasing the Gap:
    Developing a Research Agenda on Socioeconomic Status, Environmental
    Exposures and Health Disparities
    . Baltimore, MD. The National
    Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) will sponsor a series
    of regional workshops in Baltimore & Chicago, IL (July 7-9, 1999).
    Workshops will be devoted to issues examining the relationships among
    poverty, pollution and health status, and are designed to generate ideas
    and stimulate discussion on research activities. For more information
    and to register, please see the NIEHS web site at
    or contact the conference coordinator Michelle Beckner at (703) 902-1269

  • June 1-2 3rd Annual
    National Symposium on Overcoming Barriers to Condom Use
    . New York
    University. Sponsored by Pharmacists Planning Service, Columbia
    University SPH, U of California, Berkeley SPH & Los Angeles SPH,
    Advocates for Youth, Hunter College Center on AIDS, Drugs and Community
    Health, Planned Parenthood (New York). Abstracts must be submitted by
    Dec. 15, 1998; posters by April 19, 1999. Contact
    or call 415-479-8628 for more information.

  • June 6-10 23rd Annual Conference
    of the International Urban Development Association: The Inclusive City:
    Cities for the World, Cities for the People
    . Lyon, France. Contact
    Irene Mitchell, International Urban Development Association. E-mail:

  • June 8-11 Changing Family Systems
    and Care for the Aged in the 21st Century: 6th Asia/Oceania
    Regional Congress of Gerontology.
    Hotel Inter-Continental, Seoul,
    Korea. Hosted by the Korean Gerontological Societies. Website:

  • June 20-23 International Healthy
    Cities Conference
    . Athens, Greece. Sponsored by EURO (Copenhagan)

  • June 21 – August 13Managing
    Health Programs in Developing Countries
    . This Harvard School of
    Public Health program, sponsored by the Health Systems Group and the
    Center for Continuing Professional Education, has been developed to
    enhance the skills of mid-career health care managers in developing
    countries. It allows the mid-career manager who does not have the option
    of enrolling in a lengthy degree program to enhance management skills
    for organizational success. The faculty for the program are experts in
    the field of health care management, and familiar with the particular
    challenges facing health care managers in developing countries.
    Participants will also learn from dynamic exchanges between fellow
    program attendees. In addition, a number of special seminars on topics
    from HIV/AIDS to service for aging population are held. During the first
    seven years of the program, participants attended from 84 countries.
    April 1, 1999 deadline for application to be sent to Nerissa Majid,
    Program Officer/Harvard School of Public Health/677 Huntington Avenue,
    SPHI-1210/Boston, MA 02115, U.S.A. Telephone: (617) 432-4515; Fax: (617)
    432-1323 E-mail:


  • June 30-July 2 Special Session of
    the United Nations General Assembly (UNGASS)
    to review and appraise
    the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action. New York.

  • June 30-July 2 July 7 – July 21 Strategic
    Leadership for Population and Reproductive Health
    . Johns Hopkins
    University, School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD. Two week course for
    mid to top level policy makers, program managers and academic leaders in
    population, family planning, maternal and reproductive health. Focus on
    policy analysis, strategic planning, program management, evaluation,
    organization change utilizing the StarGuide software tool for leadership
    development. Gates Foundation Fellowships are available for highly
    qualified individuals from developing countries. For more information
    contact or
    visit the website:

  • July 8-11 IV European Congress of
    . Berlin, Germany. Contact: Prof. Dr. Rudolf M. Schütz,
    President of the German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics,
    Medizinische Universitat Lübeck, Ratzeburger Alle 160 – 23538 Lübeck,

  • July 20-24 American Academy of
    Natural Family Planning
    Sheraton Hotel. Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
    Contact: Jeanice Vinduska 615 S Ballas Road St Louis, MO 63141 (402)

  • September 5-9 Aging in a Society
    for All Ages: Fourth Global Conference on Aging.
    Palais des Congres,
    Montreal, Canada.
    International Federation on Aging, 425, Viger St. West, Suite 520,
    Montreal, Quebec, N2Z 1W5, Canada. Tel: 514-396-3358 Fax: 514-396-3378

Defining shades of grey: Document and technical papers collections and policies*
Jean C. Sack, Johns Hopkins Population Center

At a recent meeting of the Development Librarians working group in D.C., Lili Vivanco (FHI) and I led a discussion of screening and selection policies for our grey literature collections. This is not a new topic, of course. See Valorie Huynh’s article On “Cataloging Grey Literature” in a past issue of the Communicator In the fall of 1999 a third international grey literature conference will be held in Washington, D.C. [footnotes #1, #2]. Many conferences have sessions on cataloging grey literature and Internet sites. The Association of Research Libraries issued a SPEC paper presenting a survey of documents collections in many major universities [footnote #3] which shows that only 1/2 of the libraries provide access to electronic documents via their OPACs. Most of the D.C. development information specialists in attendance on January 20, 1999 (Peace Corps, AED, FHI, USAID…) did not have Collection Policy Statements specifically aimed at documents acquisition and weeding or web site cataloging. We provided guidelines and websites for judging the worth of documents and for composing a Collection Policy Statement [footnote #4].

Developing selection criteria to triage ephemera

The discussion of individual sample documents was lively and a good exercise in judgment, using the following criteria:

A. Content analysis

  • Does it fit the current scope of your collection or the work of your organization?
  • Is it useful to your target clients?
  • Is there evidence of hard data (statistics, tables, graphs or charts) or just a description of case studies?
  • Is the information current or historical/ Is it well documented (references, bibs)?
  • What is the authority (project staff, government official, expert in the field)?
  • Date (is there one?) Date of issue vs. date of data collection.
  • If not current, does it have historic value?

B. Format analysis

  • Type of format?
  • Frequency and provenance (Is this part of a known project; regular or irregular conference?)
  • Table of contents, index?
  • Does the author include descriptors, abstracts or cataloging in publication, ISBNs?
  • Does the author provide citations, list of references or bibliography?
  • Where is this item indexed?
  • Is the document available in other formats (book chapters, conference proceedings, forthcoming in a journal, full text on the web, on CD-ROM)?
  • How easily can it be accessed? How long will it be retained on that web site or when will it be purged?
  • Will this publication be updated in the future?

Once selected, the cataloging or indexing also offer a challenge. Participants estimated that at least 30 minutes per document is required since very few technical documents are cataloged in full MARC format.

Guidelines for developing a collection policy for documents

Although many small, specialized libraries do not currently have updated collection policy statements, they can perform a large role in screening out unwanted documents and in clarifying the project-specific purpose of the collection. For many reasons, these policy statements should be updated: training/curriculum changes, funding sources or budget transitions, staffing changes or technological change which allow new electronic formats, translations, archival storage, etc. Such statements can also include criteria for weeding during collection evaluation periods, downsizing, or transition to a new project. Often cooperating agencies can develop joint statements to delineate which libraries retain which materials [footnotes 6, 7]

Obtaining and maintaining document collections

Several techniques for reciprocal exchange agreements were discussed but very little insight was gained about where weeded grey literature should go when withdrawn. The APLIC-I dups program was the envy of the group! In fact, Susan Pasquariella, at the Fall APLIC board meeting pointed out that an even more regular distribution system could be set up for distribution of series, journals and documents: “Pasquariella would like to encourage partner relationships between libraries to regularly send publications directly as collection is weeded, journals in particular. This activity could be in addition to the DUPS program.” [Fall 1998 Board minutes]

Archiving electronic grey literature

In analyzing format items 7-9, many development librarians had not considered how they would be treating electronically mounted documents – could they place a URL or URI into the catalog or index record If printed grey literature is ephemeral, what about their electronic formats? When a project dies or is transferred, do the items mounted on that server also die? Who actually owns that material in terms of copyright? Apparently the lifetime of some web-mounted, full-text documents issued by USAID contractors is being more assured by the DEC project ( but retrieval may be costly. Other e-print prepublications papers are being mounted by professional societies (see six examples listed in the Internet Resources page of this issue of The Communicator). In some cases, an on-line document delivery service or vender license to full-text journals stipulate that only one copy can be made and the electronic image cannot be forwarded outside the user group. What are some of our APLIC-I member institutions doing to preserve the integrity of their web publications and also be faithful to copyright?

At Johns Hopkins Population Center, we carefully work with the researcher who is submitting a manuscript for our Papers on Population series. We need him/her to check with the journal or publisher to whom that paper may later be submitted to be sure that the pre-publications electronic format will not forbid later publication. When the work is drastically revised and printed in a peer-reviewed journal, we replace the full-text on our website with a citation to the new source and an abstract. We may, however, continue to send out the printed, original working paper upon request. Black and white blend in the field of intellectual property rights and ownership of grey literature, particularly in prolonging its initial electronic existence.

Adapting documents for web audiences… a discussion is needed!

“From printing press to information superhighway. Until now, print materials have been transformed into HTML or PDF files and uploaded. But do we need to think about and develop new ways to adapt documents for dissemination to web audiences? What would be the role in this process for APLIC members?” In October Diane Rubino suggested that electronic document formats would be an excellent topic for our listserve – or may again be a discussion to be pursued at our 1999 New York conference during some of our lunch times. Which formats expedite quick downloading and least bandwidth? Tonya Allen of Penn State is moving from Postscript to PDF formats. What are reasonable charges for print copies of papers now mounted on the web? $3.00 per item was the norm in 1998 but will new postal rates change this? For current practice, here is a sampling of APLIC-I member agencies’ working and training papers (thanks to APLIC members who responded to my listserve request!):

* “The term grey literature refers to a wide range of types of informational material which is made available to the general public by public and private sector organizations whose function is not primarily publishing. Such information includes reports, brochures, guides, dissertations, product information, budgetary data, memoranda, and research findings. A more formal definition is: “That which is produced on all levels of government, academia, business and industry in print and electronic formats, but which is not controlled by commercial publishers”. The essential difference between other sorts of publishing and grey literature is that the latter not produced as a commercial undertaking, but as part of a communications process. There have so far been two international conferences dealing with grey literature, with a third scheduled for Autumn 1999, and the term is becoming established in information science.” World Wide Words is copyright © Michael B Quinion, 1996-9. Last updated 16 January 1999. Accessed 27 January, 1999

1. Cataloguing beyond the walls: APLA 1997: The Catalogue as information gateway. URL: Last revised: 24-May-1997 12:57 NST Document author: Charley Pennell Accessed on January 27, 1999

2. Bailey, Charles W., Jr. Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography, Version 22: 11/20/98 University of Houston Libraries, 1996-98. Accessed on January 27, 1999.

3. Cynthia D. Clark [and] Judy Horn. Organization of document collections and services: SPEC kit, 227. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Leadership and Management Services, c1998.

4. The American University Library Collection Development Policy. Last revised: December 13, 1995.

5. Hazen, Dan C. “Collection development policies in the information age.” College and Research Libraries 56 no.1:29-31 (1995)

6. Collection development policy statement of the National Agricultural Library, The National Library of Medicine, and The Library of Congress: Human nutrition and food. Accessed on January 27, 1999.

7. DRAFT Collection Development Policy Statement, Columbia Universities Library WWW Information System, Anthony W. Ferguson, Associate University Librarian, Last update: 11/25/98 Accessed on January 27, 1999.

Center for Social and Demographic Analysis (CSDA) at the University at Albany
By Beth Adelman, Data Archivist, Center for Social and Demographic Analysis, Albany

The Center for Social and Demographic Analysis (CSDA) at the University at Albany, SUNY, is an interdisciplinary research center whose mission is to assist researchers in preparing grant proposals for external funding and then assist researchers with their projects once they are funded. Recently, the Center has received a population center grant from the National Institute for Child and Health Development and is currently one of eleven population centers in the nation.

This past month, the CSDA has initiated a working paper series. In preparing for the series, we talked to other population center representatives and journal editors regarding copyright issues, long-term consequences of pre-publication on the web, and the process of obtaining papers from our research associates and affiliates. Here are the findings from our discussions with these representatives:

  1. Most working papers are voluntarily submitted.
  2. Population center representatives reported no problems with plagiarism in their existing Working Paper Series. The inclusion of a statement such as “Do Not Cite Without Permission of the Author” acts as an appropriate deterrent for this.
  3. Upon publication, copyright problems are avoided by removing the full text of the working paper from the web and replacing it with an abstract and bibliographic citation to the copyrighted article.
  4. Journal editors (those we talked to were from social science journals) reported no serious concerns about accepting articles that had been previously published as a work in progress as long as copyright compliance was met at the time of publication. It was noted, however, that blind peer review for journal submissions may become more challenging.
  5. Population center representatives reported no hesitation on the part of their affiliated researchers in submitting “works in progress” that would eventually become published in a professional journal.
  6. Strategies used by other Centers to encourage working paper submissions include:
  7. Creating Center policies that require the work product derived from Center resources to become working papers
  8. Marketing to junior faculty by pointing out advantages of such a series in helping them build their vitae
  9. Citing the series as a way to obtain peer reviews prior to submission for publication in a journal
  10. Offer free editing of manuscripts
  11. Offer free binding of working papers
  12. Offer free copies sent to conference attendees who request a paper from the presenter

For more information on the CSDA’s working paper series or the CSDA, please visit our website at We would like to thank all of those population center representatives and journal editors for their help and advice.

The Central American Population Program Programa Centroamericano de Población
By Ricardo Chinchilla-Arley

The University of Costa Rica’s Central American Population Program (PCP) was established in 1993 with a multidisciplinary center for research, training and dissemination of population information with a Central American scope.

The PCP offers information services in the following areas:

  1. consultation of large statistical databases and population censuses
  2. access to the fecundity and health statistics for Central America,
  3. production of statistical tables for Costa Rica and Central America
  4. support for Central American postgraduate studies in Population and Health,
  5. organization of seminars and courses of training
  6. publication of books and papers.

Recently we inaugurated an interactive Web-based service which allows users to create personalized tables from the 1973 and 1984 Costa Rican censuses.

The PCP includes the Demographic Information Center (CID), a specialized Documentation unit that forms part of the University of Costa Rica’s Library System. The CID is part of the Costa Rican node for Information On Population from Latin America and the Caribbean Net (IPALCA). The CID has a Bibliographic collection of 10,000 documents, 173 periodic publications, 30 maps and atlases and a laboratory for Internet consultation.

The PCP also counts with a site in Internet, in which it publishes relevant information about Central American population issues. Through this page one can consult on-line the censuses, births registration and mortality data, the population projections, as well as obtain access to the CID’s public catalog.

For more information contact:
Ricardo Chinchilla
Central American Population Program
University of Costa Rica
PO Box 2060 San José, Costa Rica.
Telephone (506) 207-5693, fax. (506) 207-5692

New Resources in Print

CensusCD Blocks offers access to
Block data from the Census Bureau’s STF-1B and PL-94-171 files. The
single CD integrates detailed population and housing information with the
latest TIGER map boundaries shown in 100% detail for every land and water
block in the country. It includes geographic identifiers defining census
block relationships to things such as ZIP codes, Labor Market Areas,
Commuting Zones, and 1980 FIPS codes. GeoLytics sells CensusCD for $1,000
with a single state version available for $500. Academic, government, and
non-profit discounts are available. The single CD-ROM runs under Windows
95, 98, & NT. For more detailed information visit the GeoLytics web
site at .
Contact GeoLytics at 800-577-6717 or by e-mail at

Curbing Population: Without family
planning it isn’t going to happen
In the OCTOBER 21, 1998 issue of Christian Science Monitor, Brian Halweil,
a staff researcher from Worldwatch, writes about the reluctance of the US
Congress to pay their UN dues… and the results of such politics.

Family Planning Operations Research: A
Book of Readings
, edited by J.R.Foreit and T.Frejka (New York: The
Population Council, 1998)

Population White Paper from South
. The NPU South Africa would like to send copies of the White
Paper on Population and Development to interested libraries and resource
centres. If you are interested please send your snail mail and email
addresses to Carol Lombard, National Population Unit, Private Bag x901,
Pretmed Building Pretoria 0001 South Africa. Tel: 012 3176545 Fax: 012
3223702. Email:

New Internet Resources

Aging: Mortality and Health
of international, aging populations:
(reload or refresh the screen to view) This International Brief on Gender
and Aging –is available in .pdf format (Adobe), showing that women vastly
outnumber men among the aging populations in developing countries,
suggesting that the health and socioeconomic problems of the elderly are
largely women’s health issues.

Albany Tutorials for Internet Classes

Annual Review of Population Law
This database contains summaries and excerpts of legislation,
constitutions, court decisions, and other official government documents
from every country in the world relating to population policies,
reproductive health, women’s rights, and related topics. It is produced
jointly by Harvard Law School and the United Nations Population Fund.

Applied Research on Child Health: ARCH
Harvard Institute for International Development, 14 Story Street,
Cambridge, MA 02138 617-495-9791. Fax: 617-495-9706 /
The ARCH Project is committed to the support of applied scientific
research that will inform and improve health policies and programs to
reduce child morbidity and mortality around the world. The web site
includes information about the ARCH Project, including its background and
mission, the Child Health Research Project (CHR) Partners, staff,
resources for researchers including how to apply for ARCH Grants, ARCH
publications, and ARCH research activities.

Audio sites on the Internet, lists of
lists, State Government Info
Gary Price has compiled a list of interesting links to international
news services and other offerings to audio resources on the web. Visit his
site at
This George Washington University librarian has compiled an outstanding
list of lists on the internet which includes the most benevolent
Americans, the best cities, top companies around the world:
Finally, population librarians may find Gary’s list of City and State
Government information useful:

Bill and Melinda Gates Childrens’
Vaccine Program

The Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program believes it is a
human right and a moral obligation that all of the world’s children have
equal and timely access to these safe, new vaccines. Initially the Program
will focus on vaccines that protect children against respiratory,
diarrheal, and liver disease. Global use of these vaccines will reduce
childhood deaths by 33% and reduce liver cancer deaths by 75%. Implemented
by a small, core team at PATH, the Program operates under the guidance of
a Strategic Advisory Council, composed of international experts in
vaccinology and vaccine introduction.

Books – old, out-of-print sources.
Many of our libraries feature historic demography titles, some of which
need to be replaced when tattered or pilfered. The following are websites
for used book suppliers:
Advanced book exchange:

Twentieth Century Shop:

Burden of Disease Unit,
Center for Population and Development Studies
Harvard School of Public Health. Christopher J.L. Murray, M.D., Director.
9 Bow Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone: 617-495-8498 /Fax: 617-496-3227
The Burden of Disease Unit seeks to design, test, and implement
methodologies that will aid in the effective allocation of health
resources. It has collaborative projects with the World Health
Organization, the World Bank, and several countries and states. The Unit’s
research has two main foci: 1) to forge the theory, design, and
implementation of a system for the combined measurement of death and
disability and for the assessment of the burden of disease; and 2) to
establish a comprehensive database of the cost, efficacy, and
effectiveness of each of over 200 health interventions widely used in
developing nations. The BDU web site has information on workshops,
patterns of mortality in the US by race, software, publications and links
to other sites.

Bureau for Asia and the Near East (ANE)
of the U.S. Agency for International Development announces the
launch of its website. The site, which can be accessed at
provides information on USAID’s work in ANE countries in the areas of
economic growth; education; environment; gender issues; and population,
health, and nutrition. Updates will provide information on humanitarian
assistance and democracy/governance programs. The site also features
background information on the countries themselves and provides links to
individual AID missions in the ANE region. For further information,
contact Dan Sisken at 202/661-5824 or

Census Bureau – new website and publications
American Factfinder:

As an update for public access to the DADS system, the American FactFinder
is a new data retrieval system that will give useful facts and information
about community, economy and society. The system will find and retrieve
the information from some of the Census Bureau’s largest databases: 1997
Economic Census; American Community Survey; 1990 Decennial Census; Census
2000 Dress Rehearsal; Census 2000 (future).

International Brief on Gender and Aging
This International Brief on Gender and Aging is available in Pdf format
(Adobe), showing that women vastly outnumber men among the aging
populations in developing countries, suggesting that the health and
socioeconomic problems of the elderly are largely women’s health issues.

Ceo Express – mega site for consumer
information, news, etc.

Company research links and an incredible array of other sites

The Cochrane Collaboration
The Cochrane Collaboration developed in response to a call for systematic,
up-to-date reviews of all relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of
health care. Cochrane’s suggestion that the methods used to prepare and
maintain reviews of controlled trials in pregnancy and childbirth should
be applied more widely was taken up by the Research and Development
Programme, initiated to support the United Kingdom’s National Health
Service. Funds were provided to establish a ‘Cochrane Centre’, to
collaborate with others to facilitate systematic reviews of randomized
controlled trials across all areas of health care. The web site includes
general information on Cochrane, links to guidelines, manuals and
software–including the Cochrane library, contact information, links to
other Internet resources. [Peggy D’Adamo, CCP]

Council on Health Research for
Development COHRED UNDP,
Palais des Nations, CH-1211, Geneva, 10 Switzerland

Phone: +41-22-917 85 57 /Fax: +41-22-917 80 15 /E-mail:
COHRED’s goal is to assist countries to achieve better health and quality
of life for all their people. COHRED serves as a means by which countries,
agencies and organisations can work together to promote, facilitate and
support Essential National Health Research, and address health issues of
international priority requiring joint action. It can provide
“seed” funding and technical assistance for the planning and
organisation of a country’s ENHR initiative. COHRED is a non-governmental
organisation which promotes and implements Essential National Health
Research (ENHR). It is governed by a board of 18 members, the majority of
them coming from the South. Its constituents include countries, agencies,
and national and international organisations. It carries out its
programmes with the help of working groups, task forces and an advisory
committee on health research capacity strengthening. A small secretariat
in Geneva, located at the European Office of the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP), supports its operations. The web site
includes information about COHRED’s goals and mission, contact
information, and information on COHRED publications. Research into
Action – Quarterly Newsletter in English
[Peggy D’Adamo, CCP]

Development Experience Clearinghouse
1611 N. Kent Street, No. 200, Arlington, VA 22209 . Phone:
703-351-4006 /Fax: 703-351-4039 /E-mail:
The Development Experience Clearinghouse is operated for USAID, capturing
USAID-funded publications for dissemination to the international
development community. At this site, USAID-funded organizations can submit
Agency-funded development experience documentation to the Clearinghouse
for inclusion in the Agency’s institutional memory, the Development
Experience System (DEXS). They can also search the The DEXS which contains
references to USAID-funded documentation, including studies, evaluations,
conference proceedings, and surveys, about topics such as democracy,
population and health, economic growth, the environment, and humanitarian
assistance. [Peggy D’Adamo, CCP]

Encyclopaedia of the Orient
[Frames, RealPlayer] . Edited by Tore Kjeilen, a Norwegian scholar, the
Encyclopaedia of the Orient is an online reference work that provides
information on North Africa and the Middle East, encompassing all cultures
and nations from “Mauritania in the west and Iran in the east, Turkey
in the north and Sudan in south.” The encyclopedia, which is updated
weekly, contains 500 compendious entries, from Abadan to Zurvanism,
comprised of original articles, photographs, graphics, music clips, and
pronunciation clips. Users may search the encyclopedia by keyword or
browse the entries via the alphabetical index. [AO From the Scout Report
for Social Sciences, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1999.]

E-print sources of prepublication
papers — 6 Leading ‘E-Print’ Services

An archive of papers in the cognitive sciences, including biology,
computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology.
Supported by the Electronic Libraries Programme, in Britain

An archive of working papers in economics, maintained by Washington
University, in St. Louis.

A preprint server for mathematicians, maintained by the American
Mathematical Society.

FOCUS on Young Adults:
Monthly Updates – A monthly publication which documents
FOCUS’ activities.
FOCUS on Young Adults Program Survey Report
: Results of a survey
examining the characteristics of YARH programs, policies and research
around the world.
Research, Policy and Program Series: This series of research papers
documents current knowledge about young adult reproductive health issues.

Human & Constitutional Rights —
Columbia University Text-only
The Arthur W. Diamond Law Library at Columbia Law School maintains this
excellent resource for finding materials on human rights and
constitutional rights. The metasite serves students, scholars, and
practitioners as a portal to documents and Internet resources on
international and domestic law related to human and constitutional rights.
The information resources are divided into six sections: Country Reports,
International Links, Regional Links, National Links, Documents, and Other
Web Resources. Each section is clearly organized into neat lists or pop-up
menus to ease navigation. Marylin Raisch — the International,
Comparative, and Foreign Law Librarian responsible for this metasite —
also provides a Hot Topics section, which posts information on current
events related to human and constitutional rights. [From the Scout Report
for Social Sciences, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1999.
January 12, 1999]

Intrah publications on the web
INTRAH publishes training and reference materials that complement its
comprehensive human resources development programs. These materials can be
adapted by trainers to meet local needs. Search the List of Free Materials
(soon to be updated with web links!).

LANL E-Print Archive:
An e-print archive for papers in physics, mathematics, and non-linear
science. Maintained on a Los Alamos National Laboratory server and
supported by the National Science Foundation.

Political Methodology:
A working-paper server developed by the Political Methodology Society,
with the American Political Science Association’s political-methodology
section. Maintained on a server at the University of California at

Social Science Research Network:
A data base of working papers in accounting, economics, finance, and law.
Founded as a for-profit venture by Michael C. Jensen, a business professor
at Harvard University. [The Chronicle of Higher Education Date: 07/17/98
Section: Information Technology Page: A27]

National Science Foundation Digital
Libraries Project
Six research projects developing new technologies for digital libraries —
storehouses of information available through the Internet — have been
funded through a joint initiative of the National Science Foundation
(NSF), the Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The
projects’ focus is to dramatically advance the means to collect, store,
and organize information in digital forms, and make it available for
searching, retrieval, and processing via communication networks — all in
user-friendly ways.

NPIN CDC Prevention network
The CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) is a national
reference, referral and distribution service for information on HIV/AIDS,
STDs, and TB, sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC). All of NPIN’s services are designed to facilitate the sharing of
information and resources among people working in HIV, STD, and TB
prevention, treatment, and support services. NPIN serves a diverse network
of people who work in international, national, state, and local settings.
E-mail: Phone:

1-800-458-5231 Fax: 1-888-282-7681. International:
1-301-562-1098 Fax: 1-301-562-1050. CDC NPIN, P.O. Box 6003, Rockville, MD

Pathfinder International’s Training
Pathfinder International’s comprehensive training modules cover such core
topics as family planning methods, infection prevention, reproductive
tract infections, counseling and training of trainers. The curricula have
been uniquely designed for the training of physicians, nurses, and
midwives by clinical trainers who do not have an extensive training
background. Training sessions include simulation skills practice, case
studies, role plays, discussions, clinical practices, on-site observation,
specific measurable objectives, knowledge, attitudes, skills checklists,
and exercises for the development of action plans.

UNICEF State of the World’s Children,
Features Education as a theme: “Nearly a quarter of the world’s adult
population, two thirds of them women, cannot read and write. Not only do
fewer girls than boys ever enroll in school, more girls than boys drop
out, repeat grades or do not finish. Ninety-six per cent of the world’s
children live under governments that have ratified the Convention on the
Rights of the Child.” Charts and graphics give basic health,
nutrition, education, demographic, economic indicators and women’s
statistics for 193 nations.

USAID Participatory Development
USAID, Ronald Reagan Building, Room 6.08.073, Washington, DC /E-mail:
This site includes links to documents on USAID and participation, a series
of participatory practices case studies, summaries of participation forums
from 1994 to the present, information on subscribing to the Global
Participation Network (GP-NET), and links to related resources. [Peggy
D’Adamo, JHU/CCP]

VISIONS- AFR! is a bilingual forum,
in French and English, to discuss problems and solutions to the task of
gender equality pertinent to West Africa. VISIONS- AFR! will begin with a
discussion of the following topics : Reproductive health and access to
information in Africa, Socio-cultural practices that affect women and
children’s health, Family Planning, bulletin board for conferences,
workshops, resources-networks, people and organizations. TO SUBSCRIBE:
Send an e-mail to :
In the body of the e-mail write : subscribe visions-afr. Do not put
anything in the subject header of the e-mail, simply leave it blank! The
list will be moderated by The Committee for Studies on Women, Health, and
Environment in Africa, Dakar Senegal, in cooperation with Harvard School
of Public Health, Boston, United States. If you want more information,
please contact the list moderator Marietou at

or the Global Reproductive Health Forum at
or visit the website at

World Health Organization WHO
Child Health and Development CHD
James Tulloch, 1211 Geneva, 27 Switzerland. Phone: (011)
41-22-791-2668 /Fax: (011) 41-22-791-4853 /E-mail:

Formerly the Division of Diarrhoeal and Acute Respiratory Disease Control
(CDR), this WHO agency works on integrated management of childhood
illnesses, acute respiratory infections, diarrhoeal disease, and cholera.
The web site includes information on each of the areas of activity, as
well as online doucments, FAQs, links.

APLIC-I Membership Profile: Margaret D’Adamo, JHU Center for Communications Programs
By Diane M. Rubino, The Population Council
(a series that explores the APLIC-I community)

Are you looking for a salt and pepper shaker set that promotes family planning? What about an umbrella that encourages safer sex? Surely you need condoms packaged so they resemble lollipops. Who can you turn to acquire such useful items? Try consulting with Margaret “Peggy” D’Adamo, head of the Media/Materials Clearinghouse (M/MC) library at the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs. Billed as “an international resource for health professionals who seek samples of media/materials that promote reproductive health,” (phew!) the Clearinghouse is an idea bank, meant to spare designers of promotional materials from reinventing the wheel. Under the guidance of Peggy since 1991, the M/MC library houses a prodigious collection of oddities—including such difficult-to-classify items as clothing, umbrellas, and tchatckas.

If you’ve been active in APLIC-I, then you probably already know Peggy D’Adamo. Notable for her practical ideas, ready wit, and strong sense of civic duty to the APLIC-I community, Peggy’s contribution to the organization have been constant and plentiful. She attends annual and board meetings, has been the APLICommunicator’s editor, an officer, and is currently in the process of planning our Spring meeting (click here for details). When queried about the inspiration for her continued volunteerism, she replied, “I feel like each member has a duty to get involved in some way or other at some time or other.”

D’Adamo’s affiliation with the organization stems from 1991, when she started working at Hopkins. “Before that I was a school librarian. Not having any background in the field, I thought this was a good way to educate myself and to get to know people in the field.” So far, joining APLIC-I has been a useful didactic tool and Peggy has gleaned tangible benefits from membership. “I have received help finding materials and information through the listserve and [have] been able to talk with people from other organizations about software that we’re thinking about and they already have, for example.” She also notes “…it’s important for people to find a way to communicate with each other.” The rewards of her association extend beyond the professional realm, though. “I’ve enjoyed being in APLIC-I,” says D’Adamo. “Its a good organization and I’ve met a lot of nice people.”

When queried about the shortfalls of our distinguished association, Peggy is frank about her own foibles as well as ours. On the subject of the incessant problem of public relations, she says, “I need to do a better job to educate [my colleagues]. For building name recognition and a wider base of support D’Adamo recommends “conducting activities in conjunction with other organizations besides PAA. I’ve tried to get people interested in NCIH and APHA, because these organizations have many more program people. I think that people are concerned about linking with other groups because we’re a small group and [because] it would be difficult to develop the kind of relationship that we have with PAA, which is also small. They’re good to us, but they have a research and scholarly focus. Our members service both academic and program clients and that needs to be better reflected in how we conduct our business. That’s why I tried to focus the ucpoming conference on the collaborating agencies community—but I think it will be helpful and interesting to everyone!”

Peggy and the rest of APLIC-I look forward to seeing you in March.