Issue 60 (Fall 1995)

APLIC-I Communicator Fall 1995

The APLIC International Communicator is published quarterly by the Association for Population and Family Planning Libraries and Information Centers International. Subscriptions are a benefit of membership.
ISSN 0981-9847
Editor: Cheri Coe
Pathfinder International
9 Galen St., Suite 217
Watertown, MA 02172 USA
Tel: 617-924-7200
Fax: 617-924-3833

President – Debbie Bauer
Vice-President -Robert McCann
Recording Secretary – Lois Groesbeck
Treasurer – Gera Draaijer
Past President – Abigail Hourwich

DIRECTORS, CLASS OF 1996 Olga Boemeke
Harriet Schick
Edith Sonntag

Bill Barrows
Cheri Coe
Jean Sack

Elizabeth Evans
Ann McIntyre
Lisa Newman

Archives – Vacant
DUPS Program – Neil Zimmerman
Membership – Lisa Newman
Newsletter – Cheri Coe
Publications – Edith Sonntag
Publicity – Robert McCann
’96 Conference – Robert McCann


1. Membership News
2. CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse
3. New Web Pages
4. Resources

Membership News

New Members:

Margaret Harte
Kinsey Institute, Bloomington, Indiana

Hannah Doress
Harvard Center for Population Studies
Library, Boston, MA

Harriet Schick has left Planned Parenthood
Federation of America(PPFA); she is refreshing
her medical librarian skills and on the job
market. Her address if you have leads in NYC area:

APLIC 1995 Membership List

The APLIC 1995 membership list is now up on the Demography Library, Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania home page (URL is Please let Lisa Newman know of any corrections that need to be made (or if anyone objects to having their name or library listed). Lisa Newman’s email:


Nelida Espinoza email is: (Note: nes… not nee)

CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse

presented by John Watson
at the 28th Annual APLIC Conference
HIV/AIDS: Global Information Resources

The CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse (CDC NAC) is a national reference, referral, and distribution service for HIV/AIDS related information. All of the Clearinghouse’s services are designed to facilitate the sharing of information and resources among people working in HIV prevention, treatment, and support services. Clearinghouse staff members serve a diverse network of people who work in international, national, state, and local settings.

Comprehensive Reference and Referral Services

A multidisciplinary staff of reference specialists provide comprehensive reference and referral services. Reference specialists answer questions and provide technical assistance to public health and other health care professionals, educators, people working in community-based organizations, and others working in the HIV/AIDS field. Using the Clearinghouse’s online databases and other resources, reference specialists provide specific information on AIDS-related organizations, educational materials, funding opportunities, and other topics.

The Clearinghouse databases include:

– Resources and Services Database
– Educational Materials Database
– Funding Database
– Comprehensive School Health Education Database
– Conference Database
– CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR)


– Federal Information Database
– Periodicals Database

Publications Distribution Services

The Clearinghouse is a major distributor of published HIV-related materials including current information on scientific findings, CDC guidelines, and trends in the HIV epidemic. The inventory includes brochures, posters, and videotapes that can be used for HIV prevention activities as well as selected reprints from CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) series and HIV/AIDS Surveillance Reports. Many prevention materials are available in Spanish.

Resource Centers

The Clearinghouse Resource Centers, located in Rockville, Maryland, and Atlanta, Georgia, house extensive collections of educational materials and HIV/AIDS newsletters that focus on issues raised by the epidemic. Visitors can examine these resources and receive personalized assistance from Resource Center staff.


CDC NAC ONLINE is a computerized information network which gives people working in HIV/AIDS a direct link to the Clearinghouse. By accessing CDC NAC ONLINE, users can read abstracts of CDC’s MMWR articles and HIV-related news articles in the AIDS Daily Summary; communicate with others using electronic mail; and conduct searches on the Clearinghouse’s databases. Most information from CDC NAC ONLINE can be downloaded to a file or to another information service or printed out at a user’s site. CDC NAC ONLINE is available, free of charge, to qualified organizations. Users must have access to a computer with a modem and apply for a password.

Internet Services

The CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse offers a variety of Internet services including a listserv of AIDS-related news, file transfer protocol, and gopher. The news service uses an automated mailing list to send electronic read-only HIV-related messages to subscribers. The file transfer protocol allows users to download current information on HIV/AIDS without an individual password. The gopher system provides a simple menu which enables users to find documents and use other Clearinghouse Internet services.

AIDS Clinical Trials Information Service

The AIDS Clinical Trials Information Service (ACTIS) provides up-to-date information on clinical trials that evaluate experimental drugs and other therapies for adults and children at all stages of HIV infection. ACTIS reference specialists respond to inquiries from people living with HIV infection, care givers, and health professionals.

HIV/AIDS Treatment Information Service

The HIV/AIDS Treatment Information Service (ATIS) provides information about federally approved HIV/AIDS treatment guidelines to health care providers and people with HIV infection and AIDS. ATIS is staffed by reference specialists who are health care professionals.

For more information:

CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse
800-458-5231, Fax: 301-738-6616

Write: P.O. Box 6003, Rockville, MD 20849-6003

Internet addresses:

CDC NAC mailbox:

[Source: J.Watson; 1/95 CDC NAC inventory # B511]


CDC-NAC Web Page

The CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse (CDC NAC), the national reference, referral, and distribution service for HIV/AIDS- related information, is pleased to announce that their home page is up on the World Wide Web. Visit the Clearinghouse home page to:

*learn about Clearinghouse services
*find out what’s new from the Clearinghouse
*search the WAIS Database of article abstracts from the AIDS Daily Summary
*link to comprehensive HIV/AIDS-related information on the CDC NAC gopher
*link to other AIDS-related Internet sites
*ask reference questions and order free publications

Watch for new features coming soon! The CDC NAC World Wide Web address is

For more information, email the Clearinghouse at:

Population Action International (PAI)

The PAI gopher has information about Population Action International, PAI documents and press releases, email addresses for PAI staff and a publications order form.

URL: gopher: //

Population Council

If you have access to the World Wide Web, the Population Council is beginning to make publications available electronically. The Council’s home page address is: Under the Gender, Family and Development heading are: SEEDS, profiles which document income generating projects developed by and for low income women and programs to enhance women’s productive roles and “Quality/Calidad/Qualité”, which depicts reproductive health/family planning programs which offer high quality services in generally resource poor areas.

Population Reference Bureau

The Population Reference Bureau is pleased to announce its home page on the World Wide Web. The URL is: At this Web site we have offered a number of on-line resources,including Population Today (PRB’s news monthly),a guide to on-line population-related information resources (under “Media Guide”),and a soon to be launched queriable 1995 World Population Data Sheet. The Web site is designed for the low-end user, particularly in developing countries, so it is not loaded with large graphics files. Despite its low tech look, we expect that the information provided will be very useful to those with an interest in population issues. Please send comments and/or suggestions for links to other useful population-related Web sites.

Pan American Health Organization

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is WHO’s regional office for Latin America and the Caribbean. The PAHO gopher has information specific to health in its 37 member nations. It contains data files on PAHO publications, news and press releases, emergency preparedness and disaster relief, and human resources development, as well as pointers to a variety of health resources. PAHO gopher address:



Growing Girls International (GGI), a new publication of the Center for Growing Girls, part of the Academy for Educational Development (AED), provides a forum for sharing information and experience among people who work to improve the lives of girls around the world.

GGI will be published three times per year, in online and print forms, both free of charge. Contributions or suggestions are welcome.

To subscribe or make suggestions, send an email to, or a letter to: Dr. Margaret Sutton, Academy for Educational Development, 1875 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20009. The AED Gopher address where the newsletter will reside online: gopher Look under the heading, Gender Equity Services.


COPE:Client-Oriented, Provider-Efficient Services, a handbook that compiles and reflects the lessons AVSC and our counterparts in more than 20 countries have learned in applying and evaluating COPE.

COPE is a process and a practical set of tools for improving the quality of family planning services. The COPE handbook was produced as a resource for trained COPE facilitators and site trainers and contains all the elements needed to facilitate a complete COPE exercise.Cost: $8.


AVSC Working Paper No. 9, Postabortion Women: Factors Influencing Their Family Planning Options, describes an informal AVSC International study to learn more about the systems and structures that determine how family planning information and services are provided to women who have had an abortion. The study was conducted in India, Turkey and a country in South America. For copies of the COPE handbook or the Working Paper No.9, “Postabortion Women..” contact Felicia Brockett, at AVSC International, 79 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016; telephone 212-561-8058, fax 212-779-9439.


Population Manager and Innovative Approaches to Population Programme Management, are two new journals published by ICOMP, intended for grassroots and middle-level population program managers. The journals aim to disseminate information on effective and innovative programs to program managers in the population and health field. Under specific themes, each volume brings together four to five case studies from selected programs in a variety of socio-cultural and political contexts.

Complimentary copies of both journals are available from ICOMP, P.O. Box 12459, 50778 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 603 4573234; Fax: 603 4560029


, a film about participatory action research, vividly highlights the basic principles, process and dilemmas of participatory action research. An excellent resource for grassroots workers, students, educators and action-oriented researchers. Includes a clearly written 65 page companion guide. (VHS, 40min., color, English) Prices in Canada (incl. GST, s+h): CDN$60.00;institutions CDN$85.00. Outside Canada (by airmail): individuals CDN$65.00; institutions CDN$90.00. Bulk rates available for video or guide. Available from:The PAR Trust, c/o Healthy Calgary,917 – 9th Avenue S.E.,Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2G 0S5 phone (403) 234-9602;fax (403) 265-2458; email inquiries to:


by Judith Bruce, Cynthia B. Lloyd, and Ann Leonard with Patrice L. Engle and Niev Duffy

This new Population Council report shows that, in rich and poor countries alike, parent-child bonds are unraveling and that women carry much more significant economic and social responsibilities for the family than commonly believed. The authors of this book urge policymakers and researchers to focus on strengthening parent-child ties and to look beyond the myth that all families are stable and cohesive units in which only the father serves as economic provider, only the mother serves as emotional caregiver, and all children are treated equally and well.

TO ORDER: FAMILIES IN FOCUS is (US) $12.50 for individuals and organizations from a developed country and is free of charge for those ordering from developing countries.

Contact The Population Council Office of Publications 1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza phone: 212/339-0514 or fax: 212/755-6052 Attn: Debra Warn


Edited by Ann Leonard Introduction by Martha Chen, Afterwords by Mayra Buvinic, Misrak Elias, Rounaq Jahan, Caroline Moser, and Kathleen Staudt

SEEDS documents income generating projects developed by and for low income women and programs to enhance women’s productive roles. Included in this volume are Breaking New Ground: Reaching Out to Women Farmers in Western Zambia. Supporting Women Farmers in the Green Zones of Mozambique. Port Sudan Small-Scale Enterprise Program. The Muel-Lek Women’s Dairy Project in Thailand. Wasteland Development and the Empowerment of Women: The SARTHI Experience (India). Self-employment as a Means to Economic Self-Sufficiency: WomenVenture’s Business Development Program. Child Care: Meeting the Need of Working Mothers and their Children (International).

TO ORDER: Contact The Feminist Press, 311 East 94th Street, New York, NY 10128 USA of call (212)360-5794. $35.00 in cloth $12.95 in paper. Shipping and handling U.S.: $4.00 for first book, $1.00 for each additional, International: $6.00 for first book, $2.00 each additional. New York State residents please add 8.@5% sales tax.


An electronic communication and dissemination list on computer application in epidemiology has been created. This moderated list is intended to provide epidemiologists around the world with a means of distributing information on software related to the field of epidemiology, including programming projects, special macros, and applications of special packages. Discussion is also open to include practical experience in computer applications in epidemiology problems, techniques, requests for information, etc.) To subscribe to EPIWORLD, send mail to:

in the message area type: SUB EPIWORLD firstname lastname

If you have any problems, please contact Deyi Zheng at:, or call (803)734-4084, or send a message to Dr. Carol Macera at